Charles, I cant do anything with the YouTube video. I believe Denis Moricet has done some work on her identification.
I did try the stacking technique to Zapruder frames showing the Woodward group, stacking the best 32 frames showing the space between Camera Lady and the woman to her right. Even without stacking it is obvious there is a dark something that could be a camera between the women’s heads. It is too small to be a purse useful for blocking the sun. It does look to me she is holding a camera in Altgens, possibly a Kodak Instamatic 100, introduced in 1963.
Thanks James, your thoughts are exactly what I was thinking initially. But after considering what was said by Gary Mack, I have take another look and believe that Gary might be correct. Please take a look at this GIF that I created:
I added an outline of what appears just might be a black purse. It appears to be slightly blocking a small portion of the right side of the other lady's head. And I think the purse might be being held to the right side of the "camera lady's" head in order to block the sun. The difference in the shades of "color" in the black and white photo between the purse and the "camera lady's" hair appears more obvious to me now that I have this idea in mind.
P.S. I did make an error on the top left of my outline. That corner should be cut off to match the different shades between the purse and her hair.