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Author Topic: Trump calls upon Putin to release information about Hunter Biden  (Read 13177 times)

Offline Joe Elliott

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Sanctions against Russia needs to be redoubled, unless they release the truth about Hunter Biden.

If they would just do that, the sanctions can be lifted and Russia be allowed free reign in Ukraine.

* * * * *

All joking aside, clearly Trump believes that Putin would prefer to have Trump back in the White House. Biden is starting to grow a little old on the Russians.  Maybe Russia can do something to help this become a reality as soon as 2025. Or maybe a little sooner, if Trump is appointed the Speaker of the House. All Russia has to do is its part. Release, or manufacture and release, proof on Hunter Biden (and might as well include Joseph Biden) criminal involvement in some scheme. Trump tried to coerce Ukraine into doing so back in 2019. Maybe Russia can be made to do so freely.

This is insane. Does Trump really believe that Americans, as a whole, would believe a case made by Russia? Americans would be less willing to believe that than a case made by certain Republican Senators. It appears that Trump does believe this else he would not be calling out Russia to do so.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2022, 06:48:50 PM by Joe Elliott »

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Online Richard Smith

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Re: Sanctions Against Russia Needs to be Redoubled
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2022, 03:17:23 PM »
It's funny how every story becomes about Trump.  Trump was right the entire time about Hunter.  The FBI, DOJ, and media covered up Hunter's illegal conduct until Old Joe could be elected.  But the criticism is somehow directed at Trump who turns out to be correct yet again on a story that was deemed a wild "conspiracy theory" and banned on social media. From all reports, the Feds are about to indict Hunter for a potential laundry list of crimes.  When even CNN breaks the media boycott on the Hunter Biden story, you know that something is about to happen.  The DOJ and FBI are so corrupt that Hunter might get a slap on the wrist but it's not looking good for him.  My favorite defense suggested by CNN is that because Hunter was so often high on crack that his conduct might not be deemed intentional.  LOL. 

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: Trump calls upon Putin to release information about Hunter Biden
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2022, 06:51:18 PM »
I have renamed this thread from “Sanctions Against Russia Needs to be Redoubled” to “Trump calls upon Putin to release information about Hunter Biden”. I did this because I made a mistake to go with a joking title for the thread, instead of a more descriptive title.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump calls upon Putin to release information about Hunter Biden
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2022, 06:51:18 PM »

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: Trump calls upon Putin to release information about Hunter Biden
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2022, 06:59:41 PM »

It's funny how every story becomes about Trump.  Trump was right the entire time about Hunter.  The FBI, DOJ, and media covered up Hunter's illegal conduct until Old Joe could be elected.  But the criticism is somehow directed at Trump who turns out to be correct yet again on a story that was deemed a wild "conspiracy theory" and banned on social media. From all reports, the Feds are about to indict Hunter for a potential laundry list of crimes.  When even CNN breaks the media boycott on the Hunter Biden story, you know that something is about to happen.  The DOJ and FBI are so corrupt that Hunter might get a slap on the wrist but it's not looking good for him.  My favorite defense suggested by CNN is that because Hunter was so often high on crack that his conduct might not be deemed intentional.  LOL.

Any case against Hunter Biden is tainted, in my mind, by Donald Trump. I don’t think there would have been any case being made about Hunter Biden, if he wasn’t the son on Joe Biden.

In 2019, Trump secretly calls upon President Zelenskyy of Ukraine to interfere with America’s elections, by releasing information against Hunter Biden. Emboldened by Congress’s failure to convict him in his impeachment trial of 2000, Trump now, in 2022, openly calls upon President Putin of Russia to interfere with America’s elections, by releasing information against Hunter Biden.

Russia and probably friends of Trump’s, are certainly capable of manufacturing evidence against Hunter Biden. Why should I trust evidence against him?

Author, journalist and attorney Seth Abramson said it best:

President Biden is America's commander-in-chief; we're at the brink of open war with Russia; Putin is unambiguously an enemy of America.
So one would expect any info Putin releases about our commander-in-chief to be a lie—and yet Trump now begs for Putin's aid. Open treachery.

And another point, Trump could not hope that Putin will release evidence against Hunter Biden, unless Putin would prefer to deal with someone else other than Joseph Biden, someone like Donald Trump, right?

Question 1: How is Trump’s request of Putin, any different from, a hypothetical request by President Roosevelt, in 1940, for Adolf Hitler, to release any dirt he has on Wendell Willkie, the Republican candidate for President?

Question 2: Do you think this should be the new norm, for American candidates to plead with Russia to release information, real or fabricated, against potential candidates from the other party?

Question 3: Doesn’t Trump’s request strongly indicate, that Trump believes, that Putin would rather have Donald Trump as President than Joseph Biden.

I am only asking 3 simple questions. Don’t follow the example of the CTers on this board who often dodge simple but tough questions. Us LNers should hold ourselves to a higher standard.

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Trump calls upon Putin to release information about Hunter Biden
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2022, 08:06:55 PM »
Any case against Hunter Biden is tainted, in my mind, by Donald Trump. I don’t think there would have been any case being made about Hunter Biden, if he wasn’t the son on Joe Biden.

In 2019, Trump secretly calls upon President Zelenskyy of Ukraine to interfere with America’s elections, by releasing information against Hunter Biden. Emboldened by Congress’s failure to convict him in his impeachment trial of 2000, Trump now, in 2022, openly calls upon President Putin of Russia to interfere with America’s elections, by releasing information against Hunter Biden.

Russia and probably friends of Trump’s, are certainly capable of manufacturing evidence against Hunter Biden. Why should I trust evidence against him?

Author, journalist and attorney Seth Abramson said it best:

And another point, Trump could not hope that Putin will release evidence against Hunter Biden, unless Putin would prefer to deal with someone else other than Joseph Biden, someone like Donald Trump, right?

Question 1: How is Trump’s request of Putin, any different from, a hypothetical request by President Roosevelt, in 1940, for Adolf Hitler, to release any dirt he has on Wendell Willkie, the Republican candidate for President?

Question 2: Do you think this should be the new norm, for American candidates to plead with Russia to release information, real or fabricated, against potential candidates from the other party?

Question 3: Doesn’t Trump’s request strongly indicate, that Trump believes, that Putin would rather have Donald Trump as President than Joseph Biden.

I am only asking 3 simple questions. Don’t follow the example of the CTers on this board who often dodge simple but tough questions. Us LNers should hold ourselves to a higher standard.

The case is tainted because of Trump?  LOL. That is rich.  Trump had nothing to do with any of this except to note the obvious criminal conduct and corruption that was going unpunished for decades.  It turns out he was right on every count.  Why not criticize Joe Biden and mainstream media for covering up and profiting from his son's corruption instead of Trump?  The only reason Hunter was not already in prison was because of the corruption the DOJ and FBI.  Hunter has committed every manner of crime.  He has left more evidence than Oswald.  He was so high that he forgot that he dropped off a laptop full of evidence.  Joe Biden lied when he said the laptop was a product of Russian disinformation!  An outright lie with foreign policy implications.  Hunter also had to turn over his financial documents after he impregnated a stripper.  He is not a very bright guy.  The tide is turning with the media leaks and concessions.  It's just a matter of time before they announce his indictment.  Given the corruption at DOJ, Hunter might not get jail time but pleads to criminal conduct forever disgracing him and his co-conspirator Joe Biden.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump calls upon Putin to release information about Hunter Biden
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2022, 08:06:55 PM »

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: Trump calls upon Putin to release information about Hunter Biden
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2022, 11:32:58 PM »

The case is tainted because of Trump?  LOL. That is rich.  Trump had nothing to do with any of this except to note the obvious criminal conduct and corruption that was going unpunished for decades.  It turns out he was right on every count.  Why not criticize Joe Biden and mainstream media for covering up and profiting from his son's corruption instead of Trump?  The only reason Hunter was not already in prison was because of the corruption the DOJ and FBI.  Hunter has committed every manner of crime.  He has left more evidence than Oswald.  He was so high that he forgot that he dropped off a laptop full of evidence.  Joe Biden lied when he said the laptop was a product of Russian disinformation!  An outright lie with foreign policy implications.  Hunter also had to turn over his financial documents after he impregnated a stripper.  He is not a very bright guy.  The tide is turning with the media leaks and concessions.  It's just a matter of time before they announce his indictment.  Given the corruption at DOJ, Hunter might not get jail time but pleads to criminal conduct forever disgracing him and his co-conspirator Joe Biden.

How do we know that this laptop is not a product of Russian disinformation? Would creating this be something that is beyond their capabilities? Or maybe it was a real Hunter Biden laptop and the Russians added a bunch of information. Or maybe people who support Trump did so. How do we know?

Trump tried to get Ukraine to present, or manufacture, a case against Hunter Biden in 2019. He is trying that today with Russia. So, it seems plausible that Trump may have pursued other schemes against Hunter Biden. Having a President of the United States trying all sorts of nefarious means to make a case against Hunter Biden, over the course of at least three years, naturally raises the question of the value of any evidence that is found. This is not unreasonable.

But, more to the point, you did not answer my three simple questions from earlier today. Why are you dodging these questions?

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump calls upon Putin to release information about Hunter Biden
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2022, 01:47:05 AM »
Sanctions against Russia needs to be redoubled, unless they release the truth about Hunter Biden.

If they would just do that, the sanctions can be lifted and Russia be allowed free reign in Ukraine.

* * * * *

All joking aside, clearly Trump believes that Putin would prefer to have Trump back in the White House. Biden is starting to grow a little old on the Russians.  Maybe Russia can do something to help this become a reality as soon as 2025. Or maybe a little sooner, if Trump is appointed the Speaker of the House. All Russia has to do is its part. Release, or manufacture and release, proof on Hunter Biden (and might as well include Joseph Biden) criminal involvement in some scheme. Trump tried to coerce Ukraine into doing so back in 2019. Maybe Russia can be made to do so freely.

This is insane. Does Trump really believe that Americans, as a whole, would believe a case made by Russia? Americans would be less willing to believe that than a case made by certain Republican Senators. It appears that Trump does believe this else he would not be calling out Russia to do so.

Once again this confirms that Criminal Donald and Putin are working together in coordination.

Donnie did this in 2016 when he asked his puppet master Putin to release non existent Hillary Clinton emails to damage her politically. Now Donnie's doing the same thing asking Putin for "dirt" on the Biden's when the President is trying to defeat this murderous dictator. Once again, this is treason asking a dictator of foreign regime to come up with disinformation to illegally smear the President's son for political gain. 

Over 50 former Intel officials have all confirmed the fake Hunter Biden story is Russian disinformation. If they actually had "dirt" on Biden they would have produced it back in 2020. Donnie wouldn't have had to extort President Zelenskyy of Ukraine to issue a fake Biden story until he released their military aid if Putin really had "dirt". Common sense tells you that but the right wing media needs to push a fake Biden story as deflection to take the heat off the real crimes committed by Criminal Donald and his crime family. Projection 101.

So, Donnie praises Putin as a "genius" for invading Ukraine in the media. Yesterday, Donnie publicly cried out for his puppet master Putin for help to dig up "dirt" on the Biden's. Russia reciprocates right after by announcing on Russian state tv that they want a "regime change" in the U.S. to install 'Partner Trump" again. That makes it clearly obvious that Putin and Trump are colluding once again as they did in 2016. They are "partners" as Russia says. And we can't forget that Donnie gave Putin whatever he wanted for 4 years as he weakened America, Ukraine, and our NATO allies. Russia wants their stooge Russian asset Donald Trump back in office again as their "partner" because Biden has clamped down and is being a strong leader. Donnie helped Russia achieve their goals and they want their orange puppet back.     

Yesterday, Russian state tv called Criminal Donald and Putin "partners". You can't get anymore clear than that. Donnie is a treasonous traitor calling on a foreign murderous dictator to "help him" and Russia wants to install him "again" they said. The "again" means they installed him the first time in 2016. You can't get anymore clear than that. This Ukraine invasion is a plot by Putin hoping to install Donnie again. The right wing media and GOP politicians are pushing the same talking points that the Kremlin is using. They are "partners" as Russia says.

It's also another reason why 31 Republican Senators voted "no" to aid Ukraine militarily and why the GOP is blocking the transfer of weapons to Ukraine. It's perfectly clear what's going on and they are doing the coordination in plain sight. Donnie and the GOP are "partners" with Putin hoping to damage Biden politically so they can reinstall Criminal Donald. The Russians said they want "regime change" in the US. That tells us all we need to know.             

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump calls upon Putin to release information about Hunter Biden
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2022, 02:11:30 AM »
If you are a partner of Trump, you are a traitor to both the Constitution and our democracy.

Trump is a Russian asset. Don't you remember him saying "Russia, if you are listening... "

Why do you think he asks for Putin's help to win elections?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump calls upon Putin to release information about Hunter Biden
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2022, 02:11:30 AM »