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Author Topic: Media Today  (Read 64993 times)

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Media Today
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2022, 01:45:20 PM »
AccuWeather predicts another busy hurricane season for 2022

After two years of alphabet-depleting hurricane seasons, 2022 looks to be more of the same, according to predictions from weather site AccuWeather.

In its early season predictions released Wednesday, the site expects to see 16-20 named tropical systems. That’s just shy of last year’s 21 names and much lower than 2020′s record 30 named systems, but still above average.

AccuWeather also 6-8 hurricanes, of which 3-5 will be labeled major hurricanes with sustained Category 3 strength winds of 111 mph or greater on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale. It also predicts 4-6 will make an impact on the U.S.

AccuWeather is one of many tentpoles for meteorological prediction for the official season that runs from June 1-Nov. 30. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is not expected to release its official season forecast until mid-May. The Colorado State University Tropical Meteorology Project is schedule to release its initial season prediction on April 7.

Last year saw seven hurricanes, of which four were major, and eight had a direct impact on the U.S.

The site notes hurricane activity while slightly lower continues a trend of more system development since 2015, the last year hurricane activity was below average. An average year will see 14 named systems, from which there would be seven hurricanes, three of which would be major. The average year also sees 3.5 systems with a direct impact on the U.S.

While the official start of hurricane season is not until June 1, the site says 2022 has a high chance for a preseason storm to develop, which is what has seen storms form in May in each of the previous six years, and even an April system in 2017.

A system is named when it has rotation and sustained winds that surpass 39 mph, labeled as a tropical or subtropical storm depending on where it forms. It isn’t named a hurricane until sustained winds surpass 74 mph. Tropical waves and low pressure systems often form into tropical depressions before reaching tropical storm status.

The 2022 storm names are Alex, Bonnie, Colin, Danielle, Earl, Fiona, Gaston, Hermine, Ian, Julia, Karl, Lisa, Martin, Nicole, Owen, Paula, Richard, Shary, Tobias, Virginie and Walter.

The World Meteorological Organization maintains storm names that recycle every six years, with names being removed if they caused significant death or destruction. The list consists of 21 of the 26 letters in the English alphabet, skipping the letters Q,U,X,Y and Z. Before 2021, if more than 21 letters were used, storms were given names from the Greek alphabet, something that only happened in 2005 and 2020.

Moving forward, though, the WMO has come up with a new set of 21 more spillover letters, citing that the use of the Greek alphabet led to confusion and acted as a distraction from the danger the storms presented.

The spillover names are Ana, Bill, Claudette, Danny, Elsa, Fred, Grace, Henri, Ida, Julian, Kate, Larry, Mindy, Nicholas, Odette, Peter, Rose, Sam, Teresa, Victor and Wanda.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Media Today
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2022, 01:45:20 PM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Media Today
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2022, 11:21:46 AM »
Fox​ viewers are less likely to believe lies after being paid to watch CNN for 30 days: study

A groundbreaking new study paid viewers of the Fox News Network to watch CNN for 30 days. What they found is that the viewers ultimately became more skeptical and less likely to buy into fake news. The early impacts, after just three days, showed that the viewers were already starting to change.

The findings of the study, written by David E. Brockman and Joshua L. Kalla, explained that the experiment used content analysis comparing the two networks during Sept. 2020.

"During this period, the researchers explained that "CNN provided extensive coverage of COVID-19, which included information about the severity of the COVID-19 crisis and poor aspects of Trump's performance handling COVID-19. Fox News covered COVID-19 much less," said the study. The coverage of COVID-19 it did offer provided little of the information CNN did, instead giving viewers information about why the virus was not a serious threat. On the other hand Fox News extensively but highly selectively covered racial issues, and its coverage of these issues provided extensive information about Biden and other Democrats' supposed positions on them and about outbreaks of violence at protests for racial justice in American cities. CNN provided little information about either. The networks both covered the issue of voting by mail, but again dramatically different information about it (in addition to offering different frames)."

"It's far from obvious," they surmised, that viewing different networks would affect the beliefs and attitudes of the viewer. In fact, It wasn't so much that viewers were tuning in because they already felt that way, their attitudes were actually being formed from the Fox network.

The Fox viewers were nearly all very conservative and strong Republicans, the study explained. "Of 763 qualifying participants, we then randomized 40 percent to treatment group. To change the slant of their media diet, we offered treatment group participants $15 per hour to watch 7 hours of CNN per week, during Sept. 2020, prioritizing the hours at which participants indicated they typically watched Fox News."

At the three-day mark, the viewers took a survey. "We found large effects of watching CNN instead of Fox News on participants' factual perceptions of current events (i.e., beliefs) and knowledge about the 2020 presidential candidates' positions," they found. They discovered changes in attitudes about Donald Trump and Republicans as well as a large effect on their opinions about COVID.

The viewers also evolved to believe that if Donald Trump made a mistake, "Fox News would not cover it—i.e., that Fox News engages in partisan coverage filtering."

The findings might suggest that the most cost-effective way for Democrats to win elections is to start running their own infomercials or commercials on the Fox networks.

While the report is 126 pages long, the first five explain the full findings.

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Media Today
« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2022, 11:34:52 AM »
Pluto: ‘recent’ volcanism raises puzzle – how can such a cold body power eruptions?

Pluto, the Solar System’s largest dwarf planet, just became even more interesting with a report that icy lava flows have recently covered substantial tracts of its surface. In this context, “recently” means probably no more than a billion years ago. That’s old, of course – and there is no suggestion that volcanoes are still active – but it’s only a quarter the age of the Solar System and no one knows how Pluto brewed up the heat needed to power these eruptions.

The news, coming nearly seven years after NASA’s New Horizons probe made its spectacular flyby of Pluto on July 14, 2015, is thanks to analysis of images and other data by a team led by Kelsi Singer of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado.

Singer’s team draw particular attention to a mountainous feature named Wright Mons, which rises 4-5km above its surroundings. It is about 150km across its base and has a central depression (a hole) 40-50km wide, with a floor at least as low as the surrounding terrain.

The team claims that Wright Mons is a volcano, and cite the lack of impact craters as evidence that it is not likely to be older than 1-2 billion years. Many other areas of Pluto have been around long enough to accumulate large numbers of impact craters – no recent icy lava flows have covered them.

As volcanoes go, Wright Mons is a big one. Its volume exceeds 20 thousand cubic kilometres. Although considerably less than the volume of Mars’s biggest volcanoes, this is similar to the total volume of Hawaii’s Mauna Loa, and much greater than the volume of its above sea-level portion. This is particularly impressive given Pluto’s small size, with a diameter about a third that of Mars and a sixth that of Earth.

Height profile of Wright Mons (blue line), compared with the above sea-level part of Hawaii’s Mauna Loa (blue line) and the biggest volcanoes on Mars (red lines).

Singer et al. (2022)

The Wright stuff

In detail, the slopes of Wright Mons and much of its surroundings are seen to be crowded with hummocks up to 1km high and mostly 6-12km across. The team conclude that these hummocks are made primarily of water-ice, rather than nitrogen- or methane-ice that covers some other young regions on Pluto. They argue that this is consistent with the material strength necessary to form and preserve these domes, but they do recognise small patches of much weaker nitrogen-ice, mainly in the central depression.

The hummocks were likely created by some sort of ice volcanism, known by the technical term “cryovolcanism” – erupting icy water rather than molten rock. Pluto’s bulk density shows that it must have rock in its interior, but its outer regions are a mixture of ices (water, methane, nitrogen and probably ammonia and carbon monoxide, too, all of which are less than a third as dense as rock) in the same way that the crust of the Earth and other rocky planets is a mixture of several silicate minerals.

250km wide image centred on Wright Mons.


At Pluto’s surface temperature of well below -200°C, ice made of frozen water is immensely strong. It can (and on Pluto, does) form steep mountains that will last for eternity without sagging downhill like a glacier on the much less frigid Earth, where water-ice is weaker.

What melts the ice?

Ice, of course, melts at much lower temperatures than rock. And when there is a mixture of two ices, melting can begin at a lower temperature than for either of the pure ices (the same principle applies in silicate rock made of different minerals). This makes melting even easier. Despite this, it is a surprise to find evidence of relatively young water-rich cryovolcanic eruptions on Pluto, because there is no known heat source to power them.

There is only very limited scope for Pluto’s interior to be heated by tidal forces – a gravitational effect between orbiting bodies, such as a moon and a planet – which warm the interiors of some of the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. And the amount of rock inside Pluto is not enough to produce much heat from radioactivity.

Singer and her coworkers speculate that Pluto somehow held on to heat from its birth, which was unable to leak out until late in the body’s history. This would be consistent with Pluto having a deep internal liquid water ocean, suggested based on other evidence.

If the hummocks from which Wright Mons is built do represent water-ice eruptions, this stuff clearly was not flowing freely like liquid water, but must have been some kind of gooey crystal-rich “mush”, maybe within a completely frozen, but still pliable, outer skin that confined each effusion of fluid into a dome-like hummock.

A hole in the argument?

The team cite the depth and volume of the central depression of Wright Mons to dismiss earlier suggestions that this is a volcanic crater (a caldera) or that it has been excavated by explosive eruptions. Instead, they regard it as a gap that somehow avoided being covered by erupted hummocks.

I have my doubts about that, because there is an even bigger probable volcano, Piccard Mons, to the south of Wright Mons that also has a large central depression. It strikes me as too much of a coincidence for there to be two adjacent volcanoes both with fortuitous holes in their middles. I think it is more likely that these central depressions are somehow integral to how these volcanoes grew or erupted.

Height map showing the ring-like Wright Mons in the northern half and the even larger Piccard Mons in the southern half.

NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute

Piccard Mons is less well characterised than Wright Mons because, by the time New Horizons made its closest approach, Pluto’s rotation had carried Piccard Mons into darkness. The flyby was so fast that only the side of Pluto facing the Sun at the right time could be seen in detail. However, New Horizons was able to image Piccard Mons thanks to sunlight weakly reflected onto the ground by haze in Pluto’s atmosphere.

That was a remarkable achievement, but it leaves us wanting to know more. What extra details are lurking in the poorly imaged half of Pluto? It will probably be decades before we find out, or learn much more about how these icy volcanoes formed.

David Rothery, Professor of Planetary Geosciences, The Open University

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Re: Media Today
« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2022, 11:34:52 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Media Today
« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2022, 11:52:28 AM »
54th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. assassination

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WMC) - 54 years after his assassination, Memphis clergy and community members plan to honor the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Tomorrow, on the anniversary of his death, the community is coming together to honor his life and legacy.

54 years ago today Dr. King traveled to Memphis in support of sanitation workers, and he gave his last speech

He was assassinated at the Loraine Motel just a day later.

There are multiple events happening tomorrow to honor him, including here at the National Civil Rights Museum.

Action News 5 spoke with visitors, including civil right’s leader Jesse Jackson, that shared how they’re remembering him.

“The 54th anniversary celebration of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the most important dates in Tennessee and across the nation to observe,” Bishop Henry Williamson Sr. said.

Williamson and other clergy and community leaders will commemorate the 54th anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. with several events Monday.

He says they plan to tour the historic Collins Chapel Connectional Hospital, the only hospital in Memphis to care for African Americans during segregation.

“Dr. King called for non-violence to bring about change against unjust and immoral laws in situations of segregation and discrimination. We need that in today’s world,” Williamson said.

They’ll also be joined by civil rights icon Reverend Jesse Jackson who will hold a community rally at Mt. Olive CME Church.

He returned to Memphis Sunday to visit the National Civil Rights Museum who will also hold their annual commemorative service Monday.

“It’s sad for me. I was with him when the shot was fired. I can replay it back of my mind. It hurts still. I think about the progress we’ve made since that time<” Jackson said.

Those visiting the museum say even though Monday marks 54 years since Dr. King’s assassination. His sacrifice and legacy still lives on today.

“I just wanted to be at the spot and see where it happened. Because it’s so awful but the world would’ve been completely different if he hadn’t been killed. I’m just in awe of him,” Visitor Christine Weller said.

The National Civil Right’s Museum ‘s commemoration ceremony starts at 4:00 p.m.

The rally at Mount Olive CME Church starts at noon.

Reverend Jackson will also discuss voting rights and the President Biden’s historic nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson.

The Southern Christian Leadership Conference will also hold a walk from American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employee Local 1733 Headquarters on Beale Street to I AM a Man Plaza at 11:00 AM.

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Re: Media Today
« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2022, 01:55:59 PM »
Yankees-Mets trade: New York teams swap relievers in first trade of MLB players since 2004
Miguel Castro and Joely Rodríguez will switch sides in the Subway Series

The New York Yankees and Mets agreed to a trade on Sunday that saw them swap relievers, the teams announced. Right-hander Miguel Castro will join the Yankees while lefty Joely Rodríguez heads to the Mets.

Castro, 27 years old, is a well-traveled pitcher despite his relative youth. The Yankees will mark his fifth organization since he debuted in 2015. He spent the past season-plus with the Mets, accumulating a 3.52 ERA (116 ERA+) and a 1.78 strikeout-to-walk ratio in 79 innings pitched.

A free agent after the season, Castro will make more than $2.6 million this year. He's predominantly a sinker-slider pitcher, with a fastball that averaged 98 mph last season. His slider, meanwhile, generated whiffs on 41 percent of the swings taken against it in 2021. Castro, it should be noted, ranked in the 93rd percentile in exit velocity against last season, indicating he did well at suppressing quality contact.

Rodríguez, 30, is on his third team since the start of last season. The Yankees originally acquired him as part of the Joey Gallo trade with the Rangers. Rodríguez made 21 appearances in pinstripes, amassing a 2.84 ERA (154 ERA+) and a 2.83 strikeout-to-walk ratio in 19 innings.

Rodríguez, who has four seasons of team control remaining, features an extreme release point thanks to his low slot and his crossfire delivery. He threw his mid-90s sinker and upper-80s changeup roughly 80 percent of the time last season, with the latter serving as his top bat-missing pitch. Rodríguez ranked in the 80th percentile of exit velocity, as well as in the 97th percentile in chase rate, suggesting he's skilled at luring hitters out of the zone, usually on pitches located below the knees.

The Yankees and Mets seldom make trades. A pair of relievers also changed hands in December 2004, the last time the sides swapped big-league players. In that deal, the Mets sent lefty Mike Stanton to the Bronx in exchange for Félix Heredia.

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Re: Media Today
« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2022, 01:55:59 PM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Media Today
« Reply #13 on: April 05, 2022, 11:17:44 AM »
Major study confirms ivermectin ineffective against Covid-19

A new study from Brazil has confirmed that ivermectin - the drug hoarded from pharmacies after vaccination sceptics made unfounded claims of its effects - does nothing to help against Covid-19.

The study, published in the renowned New England Journal of Medicine, concludes that this drug does not reduce the risk of hospitalisation after a coronavirus infection compared to a placebo.

Ivermectin, which can be used against certain threadworms and scabies mites in humans, had previously gained a notable popularity, especially among vaccination opponents, who saw the drug as a miracle cure.

In some countries, pharmacy shelves were even emptied of the drug amid claims of its effects in combatting Covid-19. The hype was fuelled by dubious websites that referred to supposedly promising results, especially from smaller studies - the quality and general validity of which, according to experts, was in part questionable.

In the double-blind study that has now been published, neither doctors nor the patients assigned by lot knew who had received the drug and who had received a placebo.

The 3,500 participants had an increased risk of severe Covid due to their age or previous illnesses. 679 of them received ivermectin, the same number received a placebo, and the remaining 2,160 patients were treated differently.

In the study, ivermectin was found to be clinically ineffective - in terms of risk of hospitalisation, length of hospital stay and recovery after infection.

"This should put this topic to bed," infection immunologist Leif Erik Sander from the Berlin Charité hospital said on Twitter in response to the study.

In the past, meta-analyses that combined individual studies and laboratory experiments did not come to a clear conclusion about an claimed benefit of ivermectin.

To date, the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) have spoken out against the use of the drug in the pandemic. If used in the wrong dosage, the drug can be highly toxic.

In Austria, the manufacturer MSD (Merck Sharp & Dohme) even advised against taking the drug without medical advice, noting there was "no meaningful evidence" for the use of ivermectin against Sars-CoV-2.

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Re: Media Today
« Reply #14 on: April 06, 2022, 11:59:41 AM »
NASA hits new snag with Artemis test at Kennedy Space Center, could threaten Axiom mission

ORLANDO, Fla. — NASA looked to complete its Artemis moon rocket tanking test at Kennedy Space Center after an issue forced a scrub on Sunday, but a new valve issue forced mission managers to call it off again.

NASA officials had already pulled the plug Sunday on the tanking test of the fully integrated Space Launch System rocket and Orion capsule at KSC’s Launch Pad 39-B when it wasn’t able to keep safely pressurized the mobile launcher on which the hardware sits.

That issue was mitigated overnight, but Monday’s redo effort also fell short of its goal of filling and draining both the core and upper stages of the rocket with 730,000 gallons of super-cooled liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen.

NASA teams were able to work around a series of issues Monday getting the liquid oxygen (LOX) loaded, but were ultimately stymied ahead of loading the liquid hyrdrogen by a vent valve, also located on the mobile launcher, that supplied pressure to the core stage of the rocket.

“Due the vent valve issue, the launch director has called off the test for the day,” reads a post on NASA’s Exploration Ground Systems Twitter. "The team is preparing to offload LOX and will begin discussing how quickly the vehicle can be turned around for the next attempt. A lot of great learning and progress today.”

Already the weekend delay had created a domino effect that pushed the Axiom Space civilian launch to the International Space Station to no earlier than Friday.

That mission, though, which is shoehorned between NASA’s Artemis tanking test and a planned crew rotation launch by SpaceX for NASA later this month, could face issues hitting its target launch opportunities.

“The idea is to go ahead and get this flight flown,” said Axiom Space President and CEO Michael Suffredini. “Commercial Crew-4 for ISS is right behind us. And so we’re working closely with the ISS program to get our flight off before we have to stand down for Crew-4, and they’ll work with us on that too.”

It’s currently targeting Friday at 11:17 a.m. but could be rescheduled if Artemis managers, who have priority at KSC, gear up for another tanking test.

“We’ll work together — SpaceX, NASA and Axiom will work together to figure out where they would like to put the wet dress for SLS given our launch opportunities,” Suffredini said.

Axiom’s four passengers, three who paid $55 million each plus a former NASA astronaut, remain in quarantine at KSC ahead of their planned 10-day mission called Ax-1.

The Ax-1 crew plans to be on board eight days, performing dozens of science experiments and enjoying the view, but will need to vacate in time for NASA’s Crew-4 flight, which is slated for no earlier than March 20.

The uncrewed Artemis launch to the moon, meanwhile, won’t come until NASA officials look at the data from the tanking test. The rocket will be rolled back to the Vehicle Assembly Building a little over a week after the tanking test completes, and then depending on any issues from the test, NASA will set a target launch window.

Previous announced possible launch windows have been June 6-16 and June 29-July 12.

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Re: Media Today
« Reply #15 on: April 08, 2022, 01:28:10 AM »
Why does pollen make you miserable? Here’s why it triggers allergies — and some tips

Temperatures are getting warmer, cherry blossoms are blooming — in short, spring is here, and with it, so is allergy season.

Allergies in general — whether it be to food, pets or pollen — occur when the body’s immune system “sees a substance as harmful and overreacts to it,” according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America.

And that is exactly what happens when pollen enters the body through the nose, eyes or mouth. The immune system mistakenly identifies it as a threat and triggers some of the well-known allergy symptoms: sneezing, runny nose and congestion, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Pollen causes various allergic reactions, such as symptoms of hay fever, and affects roughly 60 million people in the United States each year, according to the CDC.

For about a third of people in the U.S., pollen can also trigger “allergic conjunctivitis” which is an inflammation of the lining of the eye. Some of the symptoms include “red, watery or itchy eyes,” according to the agency.

“Most of the pollen that causesallergic reactions comes from trees, grasses and weeds,” according to AAFA. These plants make the tiny pollen grains that travel with the wind and enter through the eyes or nose.

“Flowering plants that spread their pollen by insects — like roses and some trees, like cherry and pear trees — usually do not cause allergic rhinitis,” the AAFA said.

What can you do to help your allergies?

Here are some ways to prevent allergic reactions to pollen, according to the AAFA:

• Ideally, you should start taking an allergy treatment before the pollen season starts.

• It’s best to limit outdoor time and keep windows closed when pollen counts are high.

• When you’re outside, wear sunglasses and cover your hair.

• Take a daily shower before going to bed and wash bedding in “hot, soapy water” weekly.

• Change and wash clothes worn outside.

The foundation also recommends tracking pollen counts — or how much pollen is in the air.

When is allergy season over?

Technically, it never really ends.

Different allergy seasons stretch for much of the year, according to the Cleveland Clinic, a nonprofit academic medical center.

“Tree pollen season is usually at the beginning of spring in March, April and the first half of May while the grass pollen season is typically mid-May through early-to-mid-July,” Allergist-immunologist David M. Lang told the nonprofit. “And the ragweed season is usually from mid-August until that first frost.”

But the length — and intensity — of the pollen season depends on your location and the weather.

Climate change has also caused theseasons to get longer and caused higher pollen counts, AAFA reported.

In 2022, some of the cities that cause the worst allergies include Scranton, Pennsylvania; Wichita, Kansas; McAllen, Texas and Columbia, South Carolina, among others, as previously reported by McClatchy News.

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JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Media Today
« Reply #15 on: April 08, 2022, 01:28:10 AM »