Except the CTers will hate hate hate the Mexico City segment because his handwriting is on the hotel register and the Russians confirmed that they met and spoke with the real LHO.
Yep. And twenty years ago or so the same people who insist he was impersonated would have been saying, "Interview the Soviet embassy people! They'll expose the impersonation." So the Embassy people are interviewed and say the man they met was Oswald. Is that
now accepted? Of course not. It's still not enough. For some, it's never enough.
The three KGB agents - senior agents - met him over two days and for several hours. They were shown the photo of the supposed impostor and all said that that was not the man who identified himself as Oswald.
On the second meeting, a SaPersonay, he is, they say, acting very erratically and nervously and at one point pulls out a revolver. They are stunned and are studying him very carefully. "Who is this guy?"
One of the agents, Oleg Nechiporenko, wrote this (from his book "Passport to Assassination"):

So an impostor does this? Draws very close attention to himself? Sorry, that makes no sense to me.
I'll also suggest that a person in this condition, who believes he is being persecuted by the US government, who believes his life is in danger just might do something drastic. With a rifle. And with a revolver. The revolver he said he needed to protect himself.