And then Earl Warren and Norman Redlich and the Congress (actually Congresses plural) - Democrats and Republicans - and the news media covered up for them. Yes, the NY Times and Washington Post covered up for Hoover. Sure they did. For decades. Even today they are doing so.
Everyone remained silent, everyone went along, no one blew the whistle for money or fame or out of remorse.
And everybody lived happily ever after. Just as in fairy tales.
A Stalin, a Mao, a Hitler - those running closed totalitarians systems - could not pull this off, not and keep it quiet for decades (which is claimed). But in the conspiracy fantasy world of these simple minded thinking people in the US they can.
See? The same media that exposed the crimes of Hoover, the abuses of the CIA, the lies of Vietnam and Watergate decided to coverup for the murder of JFK. Yes they did. Does that make any sense? Of course not.
This is completely illogical; you cannot use logic and reason with people who think like this. It won't work.