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Author Topic: The childhood of a CTer  (Read 10311 times)

Offline Gerry Down

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The childhood of a CTer
« on: April 12, 2022, 08:29:17 PM »
Advertisement recently published an article about people who don’t want to get vaccinated. That article stated:

When we compared the early life histories of those who were vaccine resistant to those who were not we found many vaccine-resistant adults had histories of adverse experiences during childhood, including abuse, maltreatment, deprivation or neglect, or having an alcoholic parent. These experiences would have made their childhood unpredictable and contributed to a lifelong legacy of mistrust in authorities, as well as seeding the belief that "when the proverbial hits the fan you're on your own".

The sentence “a lifelong legacy of mistrust in authorities” got my attention. It made me wonder if adverse circumstances in a childs upbringing could also be responsible for why some people become JFK assassination CTers. Speaking as a LNer myself, my childhood was good thankfully, so I guess I did not develop “a lifelong legacy of mistrust in authorities” as a result.

Could a persons childhood be the key to understanding why some people become a CTer as opposed to a LNer?

JFK Assassination Forum

The childhood of a CTer
« on: April 12, 2022, 08:29:17 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: The childhood of a CTer
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2022, 10:39:34 PM »
What kind of childhood trauma causes people to blindly trust the word of authority figures?

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: The childhood of a CTer
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2022, 10:59:44 PM »
What kind of childhood trauma causes people to blindly trust the word of authority figures?

Jerry Down the Clown asked: "Could a persons childhood be the key to understanding why some people become a CTer as opposed to a LNer?

This is one of the wackiest theories ever presented on this forum....  Some people who have been raised in brutal and  inhuman situations live to become venerated pillars of society....   While a sibling in the same family becomes a serial killer. 

I must say Mr Down..... I believe that your post certainly reflects the lack of critical thinking that is soooooo typical of a LNer.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The childhood of a CTer
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2022, 10:59:44 PM »

Online John Mytton

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Re: The childhood of a CTer
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2022, 02:43:39 AM »
Jerry Down the Clown asked: "Could a persons childhood be the key to understanding why some people become a CTer as opposed to a LNer?

This is one of the wackiest theories ever presented on this forum....  Some people who have been raised in brutal and  inhuman situations live to become venerated pillars of society....   While a sibling in the same family becomes a serial killer. 

I must say Mr Down..... I believe that your post certainly reflects the lack of critical thinking that is soooooo typical of a LNer.

Isn't that a bit of an over reaction, all Gerry did was give a personal anecdote and ask a question based on an article on "sciencealert", a very interesting piece of research.
It's obvious you've just come back to be a negative aggressive arsehole, calm down or Fcuk Off!


Offline Chris Bristow

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Re: The childhood of a CTer
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2022, 03:07:14 AM »
I have heard multiple LN'ers say that in their youth they were  CT'ers and then wised up. I have a theory on that.
 There a million nutty CT's out there because the JFK case is the most popular 'whodunit' of the last 1/2 century. Everyone is an armchair expert. So when people are very young and naive they tend to just accept all those theories. Then as they grow they see many of those theories did not hold water.
My theory is they become embarrassed by how young and dumb they were and take a very hard shift to the other side. Nobody wants to look like a fool so they become hard core skeptics in order to make sure they are never duped again.
  50 years ago the Project Bluebook investigator/astronomer J. Allen Hynek claimed the project was indeed finding objects moving through our atmosphere that we could not identify.
 That was a CT and all the "rational" intellectual snobs degraded all who even considered Hynak's words, even though he was a respected scientist before and after Project Bluebook.
 Last year the Pentagon admitted in the opening of their report the same facts Hynek said in 1970. So now all the skeptics who dismissed the phenomena are in denial or eating crow. The pendulum swings both way!. A closed mind can bite you in the ass!

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The childhood of a CTer
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2022, 03:07:14 AM »

Online John Mytton

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Re: The childhood of a CTer
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2022, 05:11:51 AM »
I have heard multiple LN'ers say that in their youth they were  CT'ers and then wised up. I have a theory on that.
 There a million nutty CT's out there because the JFK case is the most popular 'whodunit' of the last 1/2 century. Everyone is an armchair expert. So when people are very young and naive they tend to just accept all those theories. Then as they grow they see many of those theories did not hold water.
My theory is they become embarrassed by how young and dumb they were and take a very hard shift to the other side. Nobody wants to look like a fool so they become hard core skeptics in order to make sure they are never duped again.
  50 years ago the Project Bluebook investigator/astronomer J. Allen Hynek claimed the project was indeed finding objects moving through our atmosphere that we could not identify.
 That was a CT and all the "rational" intellectual snobs degraded all who even considered Hynak's words, even though he was a respected scientist before and after Project Bluebook.
 Last year the Pentagon admitted in the opening of their report the same facts Hynek said in 1970. So now all the skeptics who dismissed the phenomena are in denial or eating crow. The pendulum swings both way!. A closed mind can bite you in the ass!

My theory is they become embarrassed by how young and dumb they were and take a very hard shift to the other side. Nobody wants to look like a fool so they become hard core skeptics in order to make sure they are never duped again.

I was a nutty CT and that was based on only initially researching the CT side but like they say a pancake has two sides and it didn't take very long for me to realize that something was up with all this biased and misrepresented conspiracy evidence.
So I started looking at the official side and the supporting scientific evidence and most of the conspiracy theories that originally at face value were somewhat convincing, were just plain wrong.
For instance;
• A bullet lacks the kinetic energy to push a man beyond an inch or two, so the back and to the left was not from a bullet.
• The stereoscopic autopsy photos that I viewed with glasses then eventually made into morphed images prove that the photos are authentic and the head shot came from behind.
• Oswald killed Tippit, why the heck would Oswald kill Tippit if he wasn't desperately on the run.
• Oswald owned the rifle because the alternative of creating a massive paper trail and fake money orders and fake Kleins paperwork and fake photos and fake testimony and fake etc etc is beyond absurd.

So there you go, and you're right nobody likes to look like a fool and when it come to conspiracies what's wrong with being a hard core sceptic because what's out there is ridiculous, like Fake moon landings, Chemtrails, Sandy Hook actors, 9/11, Oklahoma bombing, Trump stuff, Covid vaccines, the list of conspiracy nonsense is exploding as the internet becomes more and more accessible and dumb people suddenly have a platform for their lunacy.

50 years ago the Project Bluebook investigator/astronomer J. Allen Hynek claimed the project was indeed finding objects moving through our atmosphere that we could not identify.
 That was a CT and all the "rational" intellectual snobs degraded all who even considered Hynak's words, even though he was a respected scientist before and after Project Bluebook.
 Last year the Pentagon admitted in the opening of their report the same facts Hynek said in 1970. So now all the skeptics who dismissed the phenomena are in denial or eating crow. The pendulum swings both way!. A closed mind can bite you in the ass!

If what was caught on film wasn't some film anomaly and was an actual physical object doing insane aerial manoeuvres, the question I ask is what's motivating these pilots of these UFO's to show off in front of US military jets? If I go to an alien planet flying advanced tech, sure I might show off a little but beyond that what's going on? The films although are not very good quality and could easily be faked with travelling mattes and an optical printer! -wink-
And besides, the space distances travelled are very very far and even going lightspeed would take many years and all for what, to show off their latest hotmobile?


Offline Jake Maxwell

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Re: The childhood of a CTer
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2022, 05:25:49 AM » recently published an article about people who don’t want to get vaccinated. That article stated:

When we compared the early life histories of those who were vaccine resistant to those who were not we found many vaccine-resistant adults had histories of adverse experiences during childhood, including abuse, maltreatment, deprivation or neglect, or having an alcoholic parent. These experiences would have made their childhood unpredictable and contributed to a lifelong legacy of mistrust in authorities, as well as seeding the belief that "when the proverbial hits the fan you're on your own".

The sentence “a lifelong legacy of mistrust in authorities” got my attention. It made me wonder if adverse circumstances in a childs upbringing could also be responsible for why some people become JFK assassination CTers. Speaking as a LNer myself, my childhood was good thankfully, so I guess I did not develop “a lifelong legacy of mistrust in authorities” as a result.

Could a persons childhood be the key to understanding why some people become a CTer as opposed to a LNer?

The way we process information and “look” at the world is certainly impacted by our childhoods... but this is not at all CTer or LNer specific...
The real question for us is how BEST to process information and how BEST to look at the world...

However, good evidence should be compelling to all of us...
But once we “tilt” toward one view, our way of viewing the evidence becomes somewhat “tainted” by that “tilt”...

The best example for me is having two attorneys (and jurors) looking at the very same evidence and testimony... but coming to opposite conclusions...

We all... in every area of life... should stay humble... and continue to question our own conclusions... and even question our own doubts..

It is very, very difficult to be so self-reflective and objective... but it is important to make the effort if we are going to arrive somewhere close to the “truth” and “reality”...

We humans are very complex... and our childhood experiences are only one part in a wide mix of factors that determine how we process information and “look” at the world...
And, of course, in my opinion...

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: The childhood of a CTer
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2022, 05:27:02 AM »
Isn't that a bit of an over reaction, all Gerry did was give a personal anecdote and ask a question based on an article on "sciencealert", a very interesting piece of research.
It's obvious you've just come back to be a negative aggressive arsehole, calm down or Fcuk Off!


It's obvious you've just come back to be a negative aggressive arsehole,

Negative aggressive arsehole.....

Negative?.... I'm Guilty....  When the subject is the validity of your bible ...The Warren Report.

Aggressive?....  Guilty again.... I fully intend to aggressively attack the BS and lies that you and other LNer's perpetrate...

Arsehole?...  That's how some folks would see me....   I won't tolerate your idiotic lies, and you can count on me calling you out with FACTS that expose your nonsense.

For example....  William Whaley swore that his passenger was wearing BLUE workman's type clothes...And you yourself have said that Lee Oswald was wearing a BROWN shirt....  Do you know the difference between Blue and Brown?

If Whaley's passenger was wearing a BLUE jacket as Whaley said he was , and Lee was wearing a BROWN shirt .....Then it's obvious to anybody with a functioning brain that Whaley's passenger was NOT lee Oswald.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2022, 05:36:42 AM by Walt Cakebread »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The childhood of a CTer
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2022, 05:27:02 AM »