The umbrella he brought to the HSCA hearings seemed to look different from the one the Umbrella Man was carrying in Dealey Plaza.
Here is relevant testimony that explains why Mr. Witt believes that it is the same umbrella. What is different about it in your opinion?
Mr.GENZMAN.Mr.Witt,can you identifyExhibit405?
Mr. WITT. I would say that is the umbrella I was carrying.
Mr.Witness,theumbrellawhichliesbeforeyouonthewitness table, did you bring it here today?
Mr.WITT.I brought itfrom Dallas and Iturned itover to Mr. Genzman yesterday.
Chairman STOKES . And has that umbrella been in your possession from November 22, 1963, until today,
Chairman STOKES. It has never left your possession for any reason--
Mr .WITT .Well, Iwould have to--
Chairman STOKES . Other than here when you gave it to Mr . Genzman?
Mr.WITT.No.As amatteroffact,theday thatIwentbackto work this umbrella was just tossed back on the rack where the raincoats and other umbrellas would have been.It could have been
used by any number of people. There were quite a number of people who worked in this department, young boys who went out on errands, they could have taken this umbrella any number of times in or out.
Mr.FORD.Thankyou,Mr.Chairman.Iam goingtobeverybrief. Mr.Witt,inlightofwhatMr.Fauntroyandthechairmanhave
mentioned to you earlier, I would like to know if for the last 15 yearsyouhavekeptthatumbrellaatyourhomeandyourbusiness place or some other place?
Mr.FORD.You know,justlookingatit,eventhoughIknow it flapped over when the young lady opened it up a minute ago, that umbrella is in pretty good shape, wouldn't you say?
Mr .FORD .Other than flipping on the wrong side.You can buy a newoneanditwillflipover.Why didyoukeepit15years?Did
Mr.WITT.I suppose.
you have any reason for keeping that umbrella that long? Mr.WITT.Notparticularly.Theonlythingthattheumbrella survived that long-like I say, this was in use because it was thrown in there with all the others-the only reason I can figure out itlasted this long isbecause ofthe size.You take this thing out and it's big and it's clumsy, whereas I had other umbrellas and
would wear a raincoat and wouldn't use this one.
Mr.FORD.How many othersdoyouhave?
Mr.WITT.I have no idea.Over the years Ihave no idea. Mr.FORD.Do you thinkyou couldhave pickedup thewrongone
and brought it here from Dallas?
Mr.WITT.It is quite possible.The only reason I believe with
almost 100 percent that is the very same umbrella is the fact that it's a big umbrella, and I am almost positive that is the one.
Mr.FORD.You saidsomeoftheotherofficepeopleusedthe umbrella when you carried it to your job.Could they have walked out with your umbrella and brought this one back, a completely different umbrella from the one you used on the day John Kennedy was assassinated?
Mr .WITT .That is entirely possible, but I really don't think that happened .
Mr .FORD .In your house there are two, three, or four umbrellas; is that correct?
Mr.WITT.I wouldn't know how many are there.There are some in the back closet. I usually have one in the car.The other day I stumbled over one in the garage.
Mr .FORD .You did not identify that one 15 years ago and say, "I am going to keep this umbrella here"?
Mr.WITT.No,at that particular time I placed no significance on that umbrella.
Mr.FORD . When this committee's staff made contact with you, did you go to your closet and identify "This is the one I had on November 23, 1963"? Were you able to say that to yourself?
Mr.WITT. Yes;when Mr.Moriarity was at my house there in Dallas he asked me if I still had the umbrella. I said, "Yes, Ihave an umbrella that I believe is the exact same umbrella."
Mr.FORD.You didn't have to look at the other umbrellas in your closet?
Mr.WITT. No, the other umbrellas I believe are little stubby things.Some of them may be folded up. Anyway, they are not big and clumsy like this thing.
Mr .FORD .So you buy a lot of umbrellas, is that correct?
Mr.WITT.No,not particularly. I am 53 years old. You collect a lot of stuff in that period of time. Umbrellas are not a particular hobby of mine. It is just that over the years-although God knows, it may seem it is.