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Author Topic: Hoover’s effort to “convince the public that Oswald” was lone assassin…  (Read 12773 times)

Offline Jake Maxwell

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Referring to Nicholas Katzenbach, the deputy attorney general at the time, Hoover dictated: "The thing I am concerned about, and so is Mr. Katzenbach, is having something issued so we can convince the public that Oswald is the real assassin."

The next day, November 25, 1963, Katzenbach wrote in a memo that "the public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin; that he did not have confederates who are still at large; and that evidence was such that he would have been convicted at trial."

There is no way to justify such statements from top law enforcement officials just two days after the assassination - the day of Oswald’s murder…

Regardless of any “higher” motivation any might suggest… these government officials were intent on making Oswald the lone assassin… the lone nut... and gathering their evidence to support it...

They had done NO thorough investigation by any means…
They are guilty… and no sense of fairness can exonerate them…

In essence, Hoover was saying:

“Let the COVER-UP begin…….”

« Last Edit: April 19, 2022, 03:05:42 AM by Jake Maxwell »

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Offline Walt Cakebread

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Referring to Nicholas Katzenbach, the deputy attorney general at the time, Hoover dictated: "The thing I am concerned about, and so is Mr. Katzenbach, is having something issued so we can convince the public that Oswald is the real assassin."

The next day, November 25, 1963, Katzenbach wrote in a memo that "the public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin; that he did not have confederates who are still at large; and that evidence was such that he would have been convicted at trial."

There is no way to justify such a statement from top law enforcement officials just two days after the assassination - the day of Oswald’s murder…

Regardless of any “higher” motivation any might suggest… they were intent on making Oswald the lone assassin… the lone nut.

They had done NO thorough investigation by any means…
They are guilty… and no sense of fairness can exonerate them…

In essence, Hoover was saying:

“Let the COVER-UP begin…….”

They had done NO thorough investigation by any means…
They are guilty… and no sense of fairness can exonerate them…

Hoover is a perfect example of the old axiom..." Power corrupts....and Absolute power corrupts absolutely"

John Edgar Hoover and Adolph Hitler were cast from the same mold......

        Great post, Jake .... Thumb1:

Offline Jake Maxwell

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These two memos are very damning evidence, in my opinion...

They do add doubt to the official government position that came from the WC... and would seem to be enough to cause everyone at least to consider a wide conspiracy that might have involved top government officials...

This, of course, would not necessarily exonerate Oswald... I suppose he might have been a “player” in the mix... and at some point “chosen" to be the “patsy” as he called himself...

But regardless of our position on a conspiracy to assassinate the president, this should be enough evidence to convince us that there was a conspiracy to pin the dirty deed on Oswald... and even cover-up any evidence that might suggest otherwise...

Just think what a good attorney would have done with these two memos if a case against Oswald had gone to trial!!

« Last Edit: April 19, 2022, 02:12:13 AM by Jake Maxwell »

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Offline Mike Orr

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There was no way that two egos like J. Edgar Hoover and Nicholas Katzenbach were going to make their statements about trying to " convince the public that Oswald " was the Lone assassin mainly because they felt like they had to make a statement so they just talked and said what they said which didn't take long for people to figure out that these two " Brain Trust " were going to open the door for a conspiracy to start taking shape . Loose Lips do sink ships and then you throw in the Bethesda Autopsy and it was shaping up to be the " Big Lie " ...

Offline Walt Cakebread

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There was no way that two egos like J. Edgar Hoover and Nicholas Katzenbach were going to make their statements about trying to " convince the public that Oswald " was the Lone assassin mainly because they felt like they had to make a statement so they just talked and said what they said which didn't take long for people to figure out that these two " Brain Trust " were going to open the door for a conspiracy to start taking shape . Loose Lips do sink ships and then you throw in the Bethesda Autopsy and it was shaping up to be the " Big Lie " ...

Actually Mike, I believe that the idea of the lying memo originated with LBJ....  It's difficult to say who was more culpably John Hoover, or Lyndon Johnson,...It's akin to trying to determine which of two skunks stink the most.....   

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Offline Jerry Freeman

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Actually Mike, I believe that the idea of the lying memo originated with LBJ.... 

In 1971 ....The New York Times began publishing the Pentagon Papers, a documentary history tracing the ultimately doomed involvement of the United States in a grinding war in the jungles and rice paddies of Southeast Asia.

They demonstrated, among other things, that the Johnson Administration had systematically lied, not only to the public but also to Congress, about a subject of transcendent national interest and significance.

The Government sought and won a court order restraining further publication after three articles had appeared. Other newspapers then began publishing. They, too, were restrained, until finally, on June 30, 1971, the United States Supreme Court ruled, by a vote of 9 to 0, that publication could resume.
Then as now, the fight over the top-secret papers, whose compilation had been ordered by Robert S. McNamara when he was Defense Secretary, stood as a pivotal moment in the ages-old struggle between the Government and the press. But few would have guessed how much it would change the news media, how much it would change the public view of the news media and the Government and how little it would change the way the Government conducts its business.

Opponents of the Vietnam war, including Daniel Ellsberg, the onetime hawk turned dove who played a key role in making the papers public, hoped that doing so might persuade President Richard M. Nixon to change his policy on Vietnam. It did not. Less than a year after publication, Haiphong Harbor was mined, and the war dragged on.
Oh do read on----

James Spader portrayed Daniel Ellsberg in the 2003 movie [just click full screen for the big picture]..............

Online Richard Smith

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There were legitimate reasons to convince the public of Oswald's guilt.  First, LHO was the assassin.  The evidence is overwhelming.  Even after nearly 60 years there is no credible evidence of the involvement of anyone else.   Second, given Oswald's bizarre political background, there was a legitimate concern that some nutty conspiracy theory might have prompted WWIII by falsely convincing the public that the Russians or Cubans were behind the assassination.  Thank goodness the authorities responsible for the investigation of this matter promptly uncovered and disclosed the truth.

Offline Jake Maxwell

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These two memos are evidence that top US officials were in collusion to cover-up evidence in the president’s assassination... apprarently discussing their plan only two days after the assassination...

Let’s allow that to sink in...
Top government officials planning to cover-up evidence from the public regarding the president’s assassination... so that one man alone would be their “posthumous” patsy... and then they would seal up most evidence from being examined for decades following...

It is unlikely that Hoover and Katzenbach were planning to cover-up evidence to avert any confrontation with Cuba or Russia... and much, much more likely that they were planning a cover-up to protect themselves... and to protect those Jackie and Robert are said to have believed killed JFK... his “domestic enemies.”

They killed the president... they killed Oswald and framed him “posthumously”... they covered-up the evidence to show Oswald as the lone assassin... most likely to protect themselves from reprisals... and they’ve kept documents classified for decades... far beyond any reasonable time frame that might create an international crisis...

This is the most likely scenario, in my opinion... these two were in on a huge plot to assassinate our president... and the cover-up was only for the sake of self-protection...

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