So it was dishonest and incomplete to say: "All they knew within 48 hours of the assassination is that, according to Kleins' the rifle they found at the TSBD was ordered and sold to somebody called A. Hidell." The authorities knew that A. Hidell was a known alias associated with Oswald and that the Klein's order reflected a PO Box that belonged to Oswald. They had a sound basis within less than 48 hours to conclude that the rifle found at the crime scene belonged to Oswald. And that this rifle had been used to assassinate JFK (e,g, witnesses saw a rifle pointed out the 6th floor window at the moment of the assassination). When asked about this rifle Oswald lied and could not account for its presence there. A sound basis to conclude that Oswald was guilty but one they decided to investigate further without any legal obligation to do so after he was dead.
The authorities knew that A. Hidell was a known alias associated with Oswald No they didn't know that.
that the Klein's order reflected a PO Box that belonged to Oswald. I seriously doubt they knew that when Katzenbach wrote his memo
They had a sound basis within less than 48 hours to conclude that the rifle found at the crime scene belonged to Oswald. No they didn't. They had bits and pieces of information that needed to be put together by further investigation. What you are talking about is a rush to judgement
And that this rifle had been used to assassinate JFKBS. All they knew is that a rifle had been found on the 6th floor of the TSBD. They didn't even know if it had been fired, because nobody checked.
When asked about this rifle Oswald lied You can only conclude that he lied if you have previously established that it was in fact his rifle. That hasn't been done conclusively until today.
A sound basis to conclude that Oswald was guilty but one they decided to investigate further without any legal obligation to do so after he was dead. You're funny.... yes they "investigated further, but only based on the assumption that Oswald was the lone nut gunman.