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Author Topic: The Turn of the Tide?  (Read 7921 times)

Offline Joe Elliott

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The Turn of the Tide?
« on: May 07, 2022, 03:58:47 AM »

The Turn of the Tide?

I have been thinking that this November, does not look good. The party that loses the Presidential election, almost always recovers a lot of ground in the next off year election. All the signs pointed that way for 2022.

This is particularly dangerous, with Trump’s candidates for Secretary of State for various swing states, up for election. If they win, they control the elections in their state. They could, in theory, appoint Trump the winner in their state in 2024. That is why Trump endorsed them. Usually, a President, or ex-President, doesn’t endorse candidates for these positions, since they are not important enough. Usually, endorsements are just for Congressman, Senators and Governors.

But now the Supreme Court seems bent on legislating from the bench, and overturning Roe vs. Wade. If that isn’t enough to lite a fire under the Democratic Party’s butt, I don’t know what is. Congress may be able to pass laws to hold that off for a year. But what happens if the Republican’s take over Congress in January?

It the people want to keep Roe vs. Wade intact; they need to vote for Democrats this November. And strictly stick with Democratic Presidents. Until the Supreme Court is brought back under control through the retirement of enough justices.

The last time the Supreme Court tried to legislate from the bench like this was in the Dred Scott decision. That didn’t work out too well for them. This upcoming judgment will go down in history as the second worse Supreme Court decision in history. And should keep the Supreme Court from getting too frisky for another century.

Maybe by November, the danger of Trump returning to office will be greatly lessened.

JFK Assassination Forum

The Turn of the Tide?
« on: May 07, 2022, 03:58:47 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: The Turn of the Tide?
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2022, 01:19:20 PM »
Hi Joe,

We can't base the upcoming 2022 midterms on past history because we are not living in normal times and all of that goes out the window.

We have a Democratic Party who is trying to save our democracy along with protecting women's rights and we have a far right wing fascist Republican Party who is hellbent on ending our democracy and turning women and groups they don't like into second class citizens that they want to control.

The 2022 and 2024 election is based on one issue only, which is democracy. Either you want to keep it and vote for the Democrats or you want to lose it and end up with a Republican fascist autocracy where women, minorities, gays, and transgenders will have their rights taken away.   

We already see this happening in states where Republicans are Governors or control state legislatures. DeSantis is going after gay people and transgenders in Florida and red states are going after women banning abortion based on their radical evangelical religion where we are supposed to have a separation of church and state.         

80% of Americans support some form of abortion. 69% of Americans support abortion rights, so these right wingers are going after the overwhelming majority of population, and they are angry, which will not bode well for the GOP in November.

The polling before this barbaric Supreme Court decision was leaked had Democrats polling slightly above Republicans. Now in the lastest YOUGOV poll, Democrats have a 5-13 point lead over Republicans which will only grow even more when the June 1/6 hearings are finished.

Trump is irrelevant. He's senile and has lost a ton of support amongst his own base. 81 million plus people voted against him and Republicans in 2020. And those 81 million plus people are not going to turn around and vote for a Republican party who tried to illegally install him into power and are taking away women's rights. There's at least 4 million new first time Gen Z voters and they certainly won't be voting for fascist right wing extremist Republicans. The GOP doesn't even have that many voters. They got all the voters they could in 2020 and it still wasn't enough.

Not only that, Republicans want to soak over half of the American population with high taxes including 6 million small businesses so they can give another huge tax break to billionaires and corporations. And in the GOP tax scam plan they want to sunset social security and Medicare which is letting it die off. Plus they want to repeal the Affordable Care Act which will throw millions of people off their health insurance.

People are sick of this. Trump gave billionaires a $1 trillion dollar tax cut in 2017 and it did nothing to grow the economy. All it did was put us in a recession and balloon the debt which Biden now cut in half.                 

Swing voters look at both parties when making their decision and the GOP has made it easy for these people to vote against them.

What has the GOP done to benefit their lives? Absolutely nothing. They voted against every single piece of legislation that helped working families, American blue collar workers, senior citizens, and twenty somethings who are just starting out. Every single Republican voted against President Biden's American Rescue Plan that jump started this historical job creating economy and almost every one voted against military aid for Ukraine and the Infrastructure Bill which is creating thousands of jobs a month. 

The only thing the GOP passed over the last year was to restrict voting rights, pass bogus gerrymandered districts which judges ruled against, banning books in schools, and their vicious assault on women's and transgender's rights. Not one thing they passed was to help people, what they passed was to hurt people. And that's why they are going to lose in a landslide.

This is a Republican Party who screamed and yelled about wearing masks to stop the spread of a deadly virus. They cried the government can't "force them to wear a mask" and they spread a virus killing hundreds of thousands of people. But then these same hypocrites want a right wing Supreme Court to force a woman to give birth no matter what the situation is.

Right wingers whine about "freedom" and the "Constitution". They have no concept of what either of those words mean. They are using their radical evangelical religion to take away the freedom of women in a country where the Constitution specifically says there is a "separation of church and state". What these radical right wingers are doing is unconstitutional and it's why they will lose in a landslide. 

The barbaric and inhumane Republican anti abortion law will end up killing or imprisoning who knows how many women that suffer complications during their pregnancy.                 

If your wife, girlfriend, mother, sister, daughter, cousin, aunt, friend suffers a miscarriage then she will be prosecuted for murder for homicide under the Republican anti abortion law because they are defining a miscarriage as an abortion.

If your wife, girlfriend, mother, sister, daughter, cousin, aunt, friend suffers a life threatening complication with her pregnancy she won't be able to do anything about it except lay there and die. She isn't allowed to abort the fetus to save her life under the Republican anti abortion law. Republicans say she has to die because the unborn fetus is more important than the woman's life. So children will grow up without their mothers because of Republicans. Right wing North Dakota Senator Kevin Cramer said that a fetus is more important than the woman's life publicly the other day. And this is the so called GOP "pro life" party that wants to kill women.     

And if she does abort the fetus to save her life, then she will be arrested and thrown into prison for "murder" under Republican anti abortion laws.

If your wife, girlfriend, mother, sister, daughter, cousin, aunt, friend is raped then Republicans say she has to give birth and if she doesn't want the baby, she can give it up later for adoption. One right wing candidate said about rape "when you get a lemon make lemonade".

So, the GOP is forcing women to give birth or else they will go to prison or die under their barbaric laws they want to force upon us based on their radical medieval religion. A minority of the population is forcing this inhumanity on the overwhelming majority of Americans who oppose this fascist state they want us to live under.

This is not an America I want to live in and neither does the overwhelming majority of Americans. That's why we are going to defeat these right wing radical fascists again in a landslide in November because Republicans declared a war on women and they don't care if they die. Women are outraged and they will turn out to vote in massive numbers because their lives are on the line.         

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Turn of the Tide?
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2022, 01:19:20 PM »