"Nearly all"
Hmmm...which would you allow/disallow?
Perhaps the claim that actually ...It was Ladybird that was the Grassy Knoll sniper [her double riding in the parade]
She wanted to be First Lady that bad.
Anyway, in the meantime, the Stone video has been pulled off of youtube I have noticed.
LNers -- or a good many of them, I figure -- accept such "challenges" to the "official story" as the Hosty note-flushing, the Oswald-Ferrie CAP photo, Ruby at Parkland, the Odios story. A few LNers accept the "low" EOP entry site. As they remain LNers, they don't accept such items as meaning they're proof of conspiracy, per se.
On the flip side, there have been a few CTs who think the Single Bullet Theory should be given more consideration, that there was no shot from the knoll and that Oswald killed Tippit. A few think Oswald was the only or primary shooter in Dealey Plaza.