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Author Topic: Book of Oswald_Updated  (Read 6211 times)

Offline Bill Chapman

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Book of Oswald_Updated
« on: May 31, 2022, 04:15:46 PM »

Nothing is Knowable
Nothing is Provable
Nothing is Believable

Everything is Sinister
Everything is a Lie
Everything is Planted
Everything is Faked
Everything is Altered
Everything is a Hoax
Everything is a Sham

Trivia writ Large:
The Lifeblood of the
Oswald-Lover crowd

Contradiction for the
sake of contradiction

Here we go, down the
rabbit hole

JFK Assassination Forum

Book of Oswald_Updated
« on: May 31, 2022, 04:15:46 PM »

Offline Jim Brunsman

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Re: Book of Oswald_Updated
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2022, 01:11:39 AM »
Why is Chapman obsessed with framing Lee Oswald for the crime of the last century? The evidence against him is pathetically weak and makes no sense whatsoever. Give us one example where the chain of custody is legitimate. Then you can whine about all the evidence being planted. Think about it. If you were planning to kill the president, wouldn't you want someone with a questionable background to serve as the patsy? If the evidence for a lone assassin was valid, why doesn't any of the medical evidence support your idiotic theory and why are there so many unanswered questions? If LHO did the horrible deed, why didn't he own up to it? He said he was a patsy and it seems ridiculous to suggest he did all the nutters say and still ended up in the lunch room drinking a coke 90 seconds after the shooting. It's ludicrous on so many levels and Chapman gleefully continues to display his ignorance on a public forum.

Offline Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: Book of Oswald_Updated
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2022, 10:15:13 AM »
Oswald gets to the 2nd floor after 48 sec.  He stops.  What to do next? 
Should he continue down to the first floor? 
Should he go to the first floor via the front stairs? 
Should he lay low in the lunch room? 
His jacket is in the Domino Room.
Uh Oh -- He hears Adams & Styles klomping down the stairs in a real hurry on a mission.
Best to visit the coke machine & hope that whoever it is goes clean past.
They pass. He comes back out. What to do next?
He can't decide.  He will be less conspicuous if he takes the front stairs, but he would then have to walk back into & throo the storage area to get his jacket in the Domino Room.
He decides to continue down the back stairs.
He makes a start but then Truly hollers up the elevator shaft, so he goes back up.
Then he hears Baker & Truly galloping up the stairs, & he retreats to the coke machine a second time.
He walks slow & cool. 
He would have been better off diving into the lunchroom in a hurry, & laying low, he knows there is no-one in there, but he knows that if seen rushing (by Truly & Co) it will be a sure sign that he is guilty of something.
He nearly makes it, another couple of slow steps & he will be out of sight.
But damn, Baker spots a bit of him throo the glass of the door & says to come back.
Truly says that Oswald works here, & Baker & Truly gallop off.
Oswald gets a coke to look less guilty & more cool if confronted again.  And assassinations go better with coke.
The back stairs are now dangerous.  He heads for the front stairs, either forgetting about his jacket or deciding that his jacket is a dead duck.
But just in case more dumb cops are entering along the corridor he goes via the office.
Damn, he meets Jeraldean Reid as she returns to her desk.  She says something as they pass & he mumbles something back.  Its not a good look.  He has no business in the office, unless wanting change for the coke machine. Its not even a short cut to the stairs. Damn.  Anyhow no big deal.
He goes down the front stairs & mixes with the growing throng in the lobby near the front door without raising any suspicion.
Someone asks him about a phone.
Ok, things aint so bad, praps he can take a chance & get his jacket from the Domino Room anyhow.
Hmmm – he can get his jacket by going out the front door & down the steps & around & entering via the Houston dock (like he does each morning), & walking 13 paces to the jacket. 
Getting caught walking in shouldn’t result in getting bitten by a cop.
So, off he goes, but he gets a little ways up Houston & he sees Officer Barnett on sentry duty at the dock, & Barnett looks vicious.
So, a quick U-turn & back down Houston.  Buell Frazier sees him walking south along Houston.
No, the jacket is a dead duck.  He decides to get out of there asap, he crosses Houston & then crosses Elm.
Tippit is waiting

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Book of Oswald_Updated
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2022, 10:15:13 AM »

Offline Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: Book of Oswald_Updated
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2022, 10:17:37 AM »
I propose the following sequence of actions by Oswald & Brennan, based on Brennan's words.
LHO's are Oswald's actions. [[Brennan's actions are in doubled brackets]].
The Z numbers are the frame numbers of the Zapruder footage which actually starts at Z133 in the final sequence, running at 18.3 fps.
Z numbers before Z133 are pseudo numbers based on estimates of timings.

Z000 minus a few minutes. [[Brennan sees Oswald in the window some minutes before JFK arrives]]
Z000 minus a few minutes. [[Brennan climbs up & sits on the curved brick wall on the south-west corner of Elm & Houston]]
Z000 minus a few seconds. LHO sees JFK approaching along Houston St.
Z000 minus a few seconds Click…Click (ejects empty casing)(loads bullet)   
Z002.......[[Brennan watches JFK along Houston St & turning onto Elm St]]
Z020. LHO aims rifle at JFK as limo approaches Elm St.
[Z040][Click (wtf)]  [If Oswald forgot that the loaded bullet was just an empty casing][If he shoots (trys to shoot) as the jfklimo is starting to turn into Elm]
[Z050][Click...Click][ejects empty casing][loads bullet]
Z112. BANG            LHO fires Shot-1 as the limo straightens.
Z113. The slug ricochets off the overhead signal arm & makes a hole in the floor of the limo (hole found Dec 1963).
Z112.......[[Brennan hears Shot-1 & thinks it is a backfire or a firecracker][he continues to watch JFK along Elm St]]   
Z122. Click…Click (ejects empty casing)(loads bullet)
Z133.................................... The Zapruder footage 2nd sequence starts at Z133.
Z133.......[[In the footage we see Brennan sitting on the wall]]
Z152. LHO aims. A tree blocks a clean shot.
Z207.......[[Our last view in the footage of Brennan sitting on the wall][After Z207 Brennan is out of frame]]
Z207.......[[The footage shows that at no time during Z133 to Z207 has Brennan looked up towards Oswald]]
Z217.......[[Brennan's last view of JFK -- koz a shrub now blocks Brennan's view down Elm St]]
Z217. BANG      LHO fires Shot-2. The slug hits JFK & Connally (the magic bullet).
Z218.......[[Brennan hears Shot-2 & realizes that it was a rifle]]
Z225.......[[Brennan looks up & sees Oswald aiming a rifle at JFK]]
Z227. Click…Click (ejects empty casing)(loads bullet)
Z255. LHO aims. Sees that JFK has been hit.  Decides not to shoot his last bullet (why?).
Z268. LHO stands up & backs away from window, looking at JFK.
Z268.......[[Brennan sees Oswald stand up & back away & look]]
Z280.......[[Brennan jumps off the wall, & ducks behind a solid section of wall 12 ft away & lays on the grass]]
Z313. LHO steps further back from window, still looking, sees agent Hickey shoot JFK in the head.
Z313.......[[Brennan is laying on grass behind the wall & doesn't hear Hickey's shot(s)]]
Z322. LHO walks to the stairs, wiping the rifle, & hides it. There is a 3rd bullet in the rifle. LHO does not pick up his rifle-bag nor the 3 empty casings near the window.
Z400.......[[Brennan leaves the wall & talks to a cop]]
......................................[[Brennan heard 2 shots & saw none]]
« Last Edit: June 05, 2022, 11:06:58 AM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

Offline Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: Book of Oswald_Updated
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2022, 11:11:49 AM »
Columbo:  There are a couple of loose ends I'd like to tie up, sir. Nothing important you understand.  Actually, so far, sir, we don’t have a thing.
Hickey:  Well, that’s heartening.
Columbo:  Officially, that is.
Hickey:  And unofficially?
Columbo:  Unofficially, we don’t have anything either.
Hickey:  So, when did you first suspect me?
Columbo: As it happens, sir… the first time i read the report.
Hickey: That can’t be possible.
Columbo:  Well sir, little things bother me.  Like when i was looking for the tests done on your AR15, & the bullets, & the dent in the chrome windshield trim.  Especially your sworn witness testimony, sir.
Hickey:  There were no tests, & i wasn’t called as a witness.
Columbo:  Yes, that's what i mean sir.  It's just one of those things that got in my head and kept rolling around in there like a marble
Columbo:  My wife was a great fan of JFK sir.
Hickey:  Well, tell her it was just rotten luck.
Columbo:  Yes sir, u were just doing your job.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2022, 11:13:19 AM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Book of Oswald_Updated
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2022, 11:11:49 AM »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Book of Oswald_Updated
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2022, 11:28:33 PM »
Why is Chapman obsessed with framing Lee Oswald for the crime of the last century? The evidence against him is pathetically weak and makes no sense whatsoever. Give us one example where the chain of custody is legitimate. Then you can whine about all the evidence being planted. Think about it. If you were planning to kill the president, wouldn't you want someone with a questionable background to serve as the patsy? If the evidence for a lone assassin was valid, why doesn't any of the medical evidence support your idiotic theory and why are there so many unanswered questions? If LHO did the horrible deed, why didn't he own up to it? He said he was a patsy and it seems ridiculous to suggest he did all the nutters say and still ended up in the lunch room drinking a coke 90 seconds after the shooting. It's ludicrous on so many levels and Chapman gleefully continues to display his ignorance on a public forum.

« Last Edit: June 05, 2022, 11:29:40 PM by Bill Chapman »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Book of Oswald_Updated
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2022, 11:32:52 PM »
I propose the following sequence of actions by Oswald & Brennan, based on Brennan's words.
LHO's are Oswald's actions. [[Brennan's actions are in doubled brackets]].
The Z numbers are the frame numbers of the Zapruder footage which actually starts at Z133 in the final sequence, running at 18.3 fps.
Z numbers before Z133 are pseudo numbers based on estimates of timings.

Z000 minus a few minutes. [[Brennan sees Oswald in the window some minutes before JFK arrives]]
Z000 minus a few minutes. [[Brennan climbs up & sits on the curved brick wall on the south-west corner of Elm & Houston]]
Z000 minus a few seconds. LHO sees JFK approaching along Houston St.
Z000 minus a few seconds Click…Click (ejects empty casing)(loads bullet)   
Z002.......[[Brennan watches JFK along Houston St & turning onto Elm St]]
Z020. LHO aims rifle at JFK as limo approaches Elm St.
[Z040][Click (wtf)]  [If Oswald forgot that the loaded bullet was just an empty casing][If he shoots (trys to shoot) as the jfklimo is starting to turn into Elm]
[Z050][Click...Click][ejects empty casing][loads bullet]
Z112. BANG            LHO fires Shot-1 as the limo straightens.
Z113. The slug ricochets off the overhead signal arm & makes a hole in the floor of the limo (hole found Dec 1963).
Z112.......[[Brennan hears Shot-1 & thinks it is a backfire or a firecracker][he continues to watch JFK along Elm St]]   
Z122. Click…Click (ejects empty casing)(loads bullet)
Z133.................................... The Zapruder footage 2nd sequence starts at Z133.
Z133.......[[In the footage we see Brennan sitting on the wall]]
Z152. LHO aims. A tree blocks a clean shot.
Z207.......[[Our last view in the footage of Brennan sitting on the wall][After Z207 Brennan is out of frame]]
Z207.......[[The footage shows that at no time during Z133 to Z207 has Brennan looked up towards Oswald]]
Z217.......[[Brennan's last view of JFK -- koz a shrub now blocks Brennan's view down Elm St]]
Z217. BANG      LHO fires Shot-2. The slug hits JFK & Connally (the magic bullet).
Z218.......[[Brennan hears Shot-2 & realizes that it was a rifle]]
Z225.......[[Brennan looks up & sees Oswald aiming a rifle at JFK]]
Z227. Click…Click (ejects empty casing)(loads bullet)
Z255. LHO aims. Sees that JFK has been hit.  Decides not to shoot his last bullet (why?).
Z268. LHO stands up & backs away from window, looking at JFK.
Z268.......[[Brennan sees Oswald stand up & back away & look]]
Z280.......[[Brennan jumps off the wall, & ducks behind a solid section of wall 12 ft away & lays on the grass]]
Z313. LHO steps further back from window, still looking, sees agent Hickey shoot JFK in the head.
Z313.......[[Brennan is laying on grass behind the wall & doesn't hear Hickey's shot(s)]]
Z322. LHO walks to the stairs, wiping the rifle, & hides it. There is a 3rd bullet in the rifle. LHO does not pick up his rifle-bag nor the 3 empty casings near the window.
Z400.......[[Brennan leaves the wall & talks to a cop]]
......................................[[Brennan heard 2 shots & saw none]]


Offline Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: Book of Oswald_Updated
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2022, 11:51:56 PM »

U show 3 carcano slugs. Oswald fired only 2 shots.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Book of Oswald_Updated
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2022, 11:51:56 PM »