Think of all the documents forged to link him to the rifle. Why didn't the conspirators just forge another Walker-like note that Oswald would have left with Marina confessing to the JFK assassination? Why not have a police officer shoot Oswald in the TSBD or TT instead of arresting him, allowing him to speak to the press, then finding someone willing to murder him and go to jail for the rest of his life while staying quiet? The application of logic and common sense, however, is not permitted in the contrarian world. Nothing is provable. Nothing needs to be explained or make sense. There are only "assumptions" and "opinions" and "chain of custody" and "LOL."
As was noted before, they let Oswald do this:

Then they order Ruby to kill Oswald to prevent him from exposing the plot. And then they let Ruby do this:

Oswald met with his mother, his brother, his wife, the head of the Dallas Bar Association. He was able to make unmonitored phone calls. He met with the press. Ruby does jailhouse interviews. He talks to his brother and Rabbi and others. He meets with the press.
If you seriously think this was done by the government, they why the heck would they allow all of this to happen? In 30 seconds either man could expose this alleged entire conspiracy. At any time.