That sounds like a bunch of insignificant six-degrees-of-separation nonsense to me, Tom.
I'm almost inclined to think you're kidding and poking a little fun at over-zealous CTers with this above post of yours. (But you aren't poking fun, are you?)
Anyway, the one thing I'm still waiting for the police to investigate is the connection between Wilma Tice's future mother-in-law and Bonnie Ray Williams' ex-mailman in the year 1952! Seems to me that connection can't be overlooked when discussing the subject of conspiracy in the Kennedy case.
Obligatory --- 
David, my theory is that there were so many claims of finding Oswald wallets in that particular time frame, Oswald's
I.D.'s, parceled out amongst them resorted to him carrying a library card obtained through Bowen-Corsi's girlfriend employed by the DP Library and that rather vague USMC I.D. and the yet to be disclosed, altered or entirely fabricated Selective Service I.D., in Hidell's name.
It has been my experience with the onions I've managed to entirely peel back, like the Klein's postal money order, that insufficient knowledge is the breeding ground of too many CT suspicions. Imagine my disappointment when my Lisa Pease influenced theory about Freeport Sulphur V.P. "Dick White," strongly suspected to be Charles Wright of Yale's Scroll & Key, secret society brother of Godfrey S. Rockefeller and his fellow Freeport board member, Jock Whitney, turned out to merely be the president of a Gretna, LA bank, a detail easily confirmed by Garrison, if he wanted to learn it.
This recently found knowledge blew up most of my sinister suspicions about Freeport. Jock Whitney did pen the odd editorial on 11/23 in his Herald Tribune dismissing Oswald as a lone wolf and his paper's reporter, Breslin, as was Jerry O'Leary of the DC Star and Aynsworth were seemingly everywhere in Dallas that fateful weekend, and Whitney did rent his estate's bungalow to Jinx Falkenberg from 1946 until his widow, Betsy evicted her, and Jinx was the first cousin of Priscilla's best friend, Ms. Macatee Davison, and Godfrey Rockefeller's spokesperson, 38 year Cranston Dye Works executive, Dwight Owen, who served in the same WWII Pacific War PT squadron with this fellow, George O. Walbridge, whose boss happened to be JFK's best friend,

who (Walbridge) happened to be the best man in the Texas wedding of James K Cogswell and Stephen Farish's daughter, Joan, and Cogswell happened to be a close friend in Scarsdale of Richard Ober, suspected REAL Deep Throat of Watergate journalism,
and Dwight Owen's son, Rob, happened to be Oliver North's contra's "courier," BWDIK ?
I accept I can't control what comes to my attention. Recently, I accidentally happened to acquire awareness that someone I met 50 years ago and felt like I knew all my life when we were introduced and instantly felt like I was staring into the soul of when we locked into eye contact that lasted long past when it should have seemed uncomfortably long to at least one of us, 900 miles from where I currently live, recently moved just 30 miles from me. She returned a week later (in 1971) to surprise me, found that I was with someone else, refused my request for a raincheck, and this recent knowledge brought those repressed memories back, and has me wondering if I found a soulmate back then and screwed up our destiny.
I've consulted my Indian born female G.P. physician and my Indian born female dermatologist about this and both believe in reincarnation.
So, no, David, I'm not laughing or taunting. I wrestle with what should feel like a gift but too often distracts like a curse.
The three homicide detectives I've known don't believe there are mere coincidences.