I've already showed you the FBI interview written long before he ever testified to the Warren Commission where Whaley describes Oswald's shirt, making no mention of a jacket.
Bill Whaley DID NOT describe the shirt that Lee was wearing when he left the TSBD . Whaley clearly said that his passenger was wearing A BLUE JACKET that matched the BLUE trousers that the man in his cab was wearing.
Whaley said that his passenger was wearing a dark colored shirt with SILVER STREAKS running through it....
When Detective Potts recovered the shirt that Lee had taken off and placed in his dresser drawer, Potts described the shirt a Reddish brown with a button down collar......
Which raises an interesting question.... How does a reddish brown shirt yield a tuft of fibers that was composed of dark blue, gray black and orange yellow shades .....Which were the colors of the tufts of fibers the FBI found on the rifle.
The FBI said that the fibers matched the shirt that Lee was wearing at the theater when he was arrested. ( falsely) But Lee had changed his shirt at the rooming house at 1:00pm ......and he definitely had no contact with the carcano while wearing the arrest shirt.