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Author Topic: The Initials Of FBI Agent Elmer Todd Are On CE399 (Hi-Def Photo Proof)  (Read 44579 times)

Online David Von Pein

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What instrument would they use to carve their initials? A key?

I've wondered about that myself.

And after having put those two photos above side by side, I'm curious as to how difficult it actually is to gouge a couple of teeny-tiny little initials into an area of a bullet that's probably only a few millimeters in size. I would think it would be very difficult to do. Perhaps the FBI has some special tool with which they accomplish such engraving of evidence. ~shrug~
« Last Edit: June 13, 2022, 07:32:13 PM by David Von Pein »

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Online Charles Collins

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What instrument would they use to carve their initials? A key?

I read one comment from one of the DPD officers (if I remember correctly) when asked that question, he said a diamond point pen.

Offline John Iacoletti

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I read one comment from one of the DPD officers (if I remember correctly) when asked that question, he said a diamond point pen.

Barnes and Day.

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Offline Michael Walton

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And let the CTer Denials begin!

And in those cadaver tests, did the test bullet(s) mimic the SBT by going through a simulated JFK back/neck first?

Answer: No.

Which is something Dr. Cyril Wecht has apparently never learned in all these years either, otherwise he would finally stop propping up this bullet chart (esp. CE856, which OF COURSE ended up way more damaged than CE399 because it hit a wrist bone at FULL MUZZLE VELOCITY and didn't first go through a JFK mock-up OR a Connally torso mock-up):

Yes, I've seen that image too, Dave. But I'll go further and post Speer's page about the injuries including the wrist:

I doubt it will make any difference to you though.

Offline Robert Reeves

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Another gem. Kinda like when Stone's JFK was released they mysteriously were able to find the 'three tramps' bogus arrest sheets.That's not to say there wasn't any tramps arrested on the day

I do love it though when something so ridiculous like this happens. I always hear Don King saying ''Only in America!''

I said the same when Jeffery Epstein was found dead in his cell. ''Only in America!''.There is no more reality left for us to enjoy.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2022, 01:08:05 AM by Robert Reeves »

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Online David Von Pein

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During the last several years, Jim DiEugenio has many times made a big deal out of Elmer Todd's initials in my discussions with him. When a search is performed at my JFK Archives website for "Elmer Todd" and "James DiEugenio" and "CE399", several separate discussions pop up:;+James+DiEugenio;+CE399&updated-max=2015-07-10T02:16:00-07:00&max-results=20&start=10&by-date=false

Sample argument from October 3, 2012:

ROBERT HARRIS -- "Those initials [of FBI agent Elmer Todd] are not on CE399."

DAVID VON PEIN -- "Yes, they are. You just can't see them in the NARA photos."

JAMES DiEUGENIO -- "This has now gone beyond absurdity. Davey Boy, everyone here is still waiting for you to put your money where your mouth is. Something you never ever do. In other words...go to Travelocity, book a flight and a hotel room, and go ahead and do what you have been saying you would do for ages: Prove John Hunt is a liar."

DAVID VON PEIN -- "Yeah, right, Jimbo. Like the NARA is going to allow me to just waltz right in and examine CE399. Get real. Fact is: John Hunt DID NOT examine the bullet itself. He examined the same photos that have been posted in this very thread. And those photos (as good as they might be) are not definitive proof that Todd did not mark CE399. Plus: There are TWO separate (and corroborating) official FBI documents that tell us that Elmer Todd DID mark the bullet (CD7 and CE2011). And CD7 confirms that Todd marked the bullet on the day of the assassination itself. Spit on those records if you want to; call them fake if you want to (and you do want to, naturally). But I'm not willing to do so. Period."

Now back to 2022:

Mr. DiEugenio now has no choice but to drop the "Todd's Initials Aren't On The Bullet" argument. Or maybe he'll say the initials were faked and added by somebody other than Todd. Ya think?
« Last Edit: June 15, 2022, 01:22:31 AM by David Von Pein »

Offline Martin Weidmann

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During the last several years, Jim DiEugenio has many times made a big deal out of Elmer Todd's initials in my discussions with him. When a search is performed at my JFK Archives website for "Elmer Todd" and "James DiEugenio" and "CE399", several separate discussions pop up:;+James+DiEugenio;+CE399&updated-max=2015-07-10T02:16:00-07:00&max-results=20&start=10&by-date=false

Sample argument from October 3, 2012:

DAVID VON PEIN -- "[The initials of FBI agent Elmer Lee Todd are on Bullet CE399 in the National Archives.] You just can't see them in the NARA photos."

JAMES DiEUGENIO -- "This has now gone beyond absurdity. Davey Boy, everyone here is still waiting for you to put your money where your mouth is. Something you never ever do. In other words...go to Travelocity, book a flight and a hotel room, and go ahead and do what you have been saying you would do for ages: Prove John Hunt is a liar."

DAVID VON PEIN -- "Yeah, right, Jimbo. Like the NARA is going to allow me to just waltz right in and examine CE399. Get real. Fact is: John Hunt DID NOT examine the bullet itself. He examined the same photos that have been posted in this very thread. And those photos (as good as they might be) are not definitive proof that Todd did not mark CE399. Plus: There are TWO separate (and corroborating) official FBI documents that tell us that Elmer Todd DID mark the bullet (CD7 and CE2011). And CD7 confirms that Todd marked the bullet on the day of the assassination itself. Spit on those records if you want to; call them fake if you want to (and you do want to, naturally). But I'm not willing to do so. Period."

Now back to 2022:

Mr. DiEugenio now has no choice but to drop the "Todd's Initials Aren't On The Bullet" argument. Or maybe he'll say the initials were faked and added by somebody other than Todd. Ya think?

Why are you posting about your interactions with Jim DiEugenio when he's not a member here?

You seem desperate for attention.

Online David Von Pein

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Why are you posting about your interactions with Jim DiEugenio when he's not a member here?

Why not?


Any time a chance exists to make a longtime conspiracy clown look even more like a clown---why should such an opportunity go to waste?  ;D
« Last Edit: June 15, 2022, 05:00:16 AM by David Von Pein »

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