The world can do without your biased opinions.
But we certainly could never do without yours, right?

You are no authority on the Kennedy murder.
And I have never once ever said I was. Ever.
It's funny though that you apparently seem to want to explain what your motivation is for not conducting the propaganda campaign you clearly are conducting. What a joke.
I just follow the
actual evidence in the case, Martin. That's all. (You know, that's the stuff that most conspiracists have chosen to mangle, skew, or just plain ignore.)
And just because I choose to believe that the evidence in the case has
not all been faked and/or manufactured (and therefore my belief is that Lee Oswald was
not "just a patsy"), I am accused of
"conducting a bogus propaganda campaign".

You just collect some videos and have an opinion.
And my
OPINION is to be considered a
"bogus propaganda campaign", but
your OPINION, however, is not to be considered "propaganda" in the slightest way. Is that it, St. Martin?
PROPAGANDA (noun) ---
Information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.Reprise ---->

Bonus Breath Of Fresh Air...."It is remarkable that these conspiracy theorists aren't troubled in the least by their inability to present any evidence that Oswald was set up and framed. For them, the mere belief or speculation that he was is a more-than-adequate substitute for evidence." -- Vincent T. Bugliosi