Did it occur to you that he [Lee Oswald] was at the rooming house before 1PM?
It's very possible that Oswald did, indeed, arrive at his room prior to 1:00 PM (CST) on 11/22. But not by enough to allow him to also be at the theater at the time Burroughs said.
Oswald was picked up by the Nash Rambler 12:40-12:45PM.
Why is it you believe the LHO "Nash Rambler" sighting but just can't begin to believe the much more believable
* "bus and cab" sightings?
* They're "much more believable" because of the paper bus transfer in LHO's pocket, plus Mary Bledsoe's account (she KNEW Oswald on sight, keep in mind), plus William Whaley's positive-I.D. testimony, plus Lee Oswald's very own admission that he DID take a bus and a cab on 11/22. (And there was absolutely no reason under the sun for even the chronic liar named Oswald to lie about his Nov. 22nd bus and cab rides.)
I'm always accused of being biased and selectively choosing the evidence that favors the Lone Assassin scenario, but there can be no doubt that CTers do the same thing all day long (as Paul Cummings just demonstrated above).
It's a short drive from TSBD to Beckley but hey it doesn't fit the narrative does it?
Since we all know (based on the sum total of evidence) that Oswald walked east on Elm for seven blocks before getting on Cecil McWatters' bus,
of course the Rambler fantasy doesn't fit the Warren Commission's narrative (aka the proper narrative).
The timeline with Oswald killing Tippit and then going to the theatre doesn't work for the WC...
The Warren Commission timeline works just fine. In fact, it works perfectly.
Is it a tight WC timeline? Sure it is. But, hey, given what Oswald did and when he did it on November 22, it definitely
should be an extremely tight timeline. Why
wouldn't it be tight?
But to think, as many CTers do, that such a timeline can be fine-tuned right down to the exact minute is just not a reasonable thing to believe, IMO. All timelines associated with Lee Harvey Oswald's 11/22 movements are "approximate" times, just as the Warren Commission said in

You have more eye witnesses saying Oswald got into the Rambler than him getting in the cab.
Well, that's not too surprising. Would you have expected Whaley's taxicab stand at the Greyhound bus station to be packed with onlookers on any given day?
Bonus "Timeline" Link....http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/06/oswald-timeline-part-1.html