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Author Topic: The Initials Of FBI Agent Elmer Todd Are On CE399 (Hi-Def Photo Proof)  (Read 49271 times)

Online David Von Pein

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Re: Markham's Bus
« Reply #144 on: June 18, 2022, 02:50:47 AM »
There is no such thing as "the world's leading expert on the Tippit killing".

« Last Edit: June 18, 2022, 02:51:18 AM by David Von Pein »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Markham's Bus
« Reply #144 on: June 18, 2022, 02:50:47 AM »

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: Markham's Bus
« Reply #145 on: June 18, 2022, 03:08:18 AM »

Classy response. Thanks for your sharing your biased opinion.

The men you worship are false profets, but to zealots such an objective statement is blasphemy.

« Last Edit: June 18, 2022, 03:17:25 AM by Martin Weidmann »

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: Markham's Bus
« Reply #146 on: June 18, 2022, 03:14:19 AM »
And how far off from reality did Bowles say the times were?

Find out for yourself;

Three quotes from the same page:

A master clock on the telephone room wall was connected to the City Hall system. This clock reported "official" time. Within the dispatcher's office there were numerous other time giving and time recording devices, both in the telephone room and in the radio room. Telephone operators and radio operators were furnished "Simplex" clocks. Because the hands often worked loose, they indicated the incorrect time. However, their purpose was to stamp the time, day and date on incoming calls. While they were reliable at this, they were not synchronized as stated in the Committee report. Therefore, it was not uncommon for the time stamped on calls to be a minute to two ahead or behind the "official" time shown on the master clock. Accordingly, at "exactly" 10:10, various clocks could be stamping from 10:08 to 10:12, for example. When clocks were as much as a minute or so out of synchronization it was normal procedure to make the needed adjustments. During busy periods this was not readily done.

There is no way to connect "police time" with "real time." The Committee Report stated that the Dallas Police Communications system was recorded by continuously operating recorders. That statement is incorrect. Channel 1 was recorded on a Dictaphone A2TC, Model 5, belt or loop recorder. Channel 2 was recorded on a Gray "Audograph" flat disk recorder. Both were duplex units with one recording and one on standby for when the other unit contained a full recording. Both units were sound activated. It is important to note "sound" rather than "voice" because either sound or noise from any source, received through the transmission line, would activate the recorders. Once activated, the recorders remained "on" for the duration of the activating sound plus 4 seconds. The four second delay permitted brief pauses or answers to questions without the relay mechanism being overworked.

It is, however, important to remember that

1. No exact record of "time" exists;
2. The several clocks were not synchronized;
3. The radio operators were not exact with regard to "time statements" on either radio;

To sum up; the master clock in the telephone room reported "official" time, not real time.
Simplex clocks used by the telephone and radio operators were not synchronized and indicated an incorrect time.
Time stamps on calls could be a minute to two ahead or behind the "official" time shown on the master clock.
And radio operators were not exact with regard to "time statements" on either radio.

So, if the master clock was 2 minutes out of synch with real time and the dispatcher's clocks were 2 minutes out of synch also, you've already got a four minute discrepancy between real time and the time stamps. Add to that the fact that radio operators were not exact with their time statements and you end up with totally unreliable time stamps on the DPD recordings.

The irony is that I am sure Bowles was not out to discredit the DPD recordings, as far as the Tippit murder is concerned. He provided the information in response to the HSCA finding of a 4th shoot and the 5 minute open mic incident. Bowles probably did not consider the fact that his information would basically destroy the time stamp issue for the Tippit case.

Good luck trying to explain to us why Bowles was wrong and Myers was right   :D
« Last Edit: June 18, 2022, 02:48:11 PM by Martin Weidmann »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Markham's Bus
« Reply #146 on: June 18, 2022, 03:14:19 AM »

Offline Bill Chapman

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« Reply #147 on: June 18, 2022, 04:25:24 AM »
BS: I never said that.

There’s no evidence that it was “unnoticed”.

His trip log has other entries that don’t fall on 15 minute boundaries. And besides, if his passenger really caught the cab at 12:48 (according to scripture) then the closest 15 minute interval would be 12:45, not 12:30.

Why does it have to be “in aid” of something? What is Roberts’ story of the police car honking “in aid of”? What are the Oswald-Tippit-Ruby together sightings “in aid of”?

Any other lame excuses to trot out?

Re Rachel, not if you are using the 'precise words' schtick.

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: Markham's Bus
« Reply #148 on: June 19, 2022, 01:18:04 AM »
And you deny being a biased propagandist?

given the sum total of evidence which verifies that Lee Harvey Oswald was positively the murderer of Dallas Police Officer J.D. Tippit

This is a weak circular argument. First you assume that Oswald was Tippit's killer and then you try to make the evidence fit that opinion. There is nothing logical about a circular argument.

Helen Markham was merely a minute or two behind her normal routine on 11/22/63.

No she wasn't. She testified that she left home on 9th street at 1.06 or 1.07. A one block walk, from 9th to 10th street would have taken her no more than 3 minutes, getting her to the corner of 10th and Patton at around 1.09 or 1.10. The result of your concocted story is not that she was "a minute or two behind". You have her five minutes behind and needing 8 minutes to walk approx 400 feet from 9th to 10th street. It's beyond belief.

the 1:14:30 time comes from the world's leading expert on the Tippit killing, Dale K. Myers

First of all, this is a appeal to authority fallacy and a very bad one, because there is no such thing as "the world's leading expert on the Tippit killing". All there is, is a guy with an opinion who has written a book to make money out of a tragedy. The mere fact that you agree with him doesn't make him an expert.

(which is an estimate that I think is just about right, given the timing of when Domingo Benavides first started mashing the mic on the radio in Tippit's patrol car, which was 1:16)

Assumes that the times of the DPD radio recordings are actually 100% correct, which they are not. Bowles, who was in charge of the DPD dispatchers, has told us unequivocally that police time was not real time.

Consider this; when Benavides could not get the radio to work, Bowley took the mic from him and made a call that lasted 48 seconds (you can time the audio recording). Ted Callaway was less than a block away from 10th street when he heard the shooting. He first encountered a man running towards him with a gun and then ran to the scene. That didn't take him more than 3 minutes, after the shots, at best. If we assume that the shooting took place, as Myers claims, at 1:14:30 than Callaway would have arrived on the scene at 1:17:30. The official narrative has Bowley starting to make his call past 1:17. However, when Callaway arrived, Bowley had already completed his call, which means Bowley's call must have started earlier and, in turn means that there is no way that Benavides started "smashing the mic on the radio" at 1:16.

So the question would be: Could Mrs. Markham traverse the distance from 10th & Patton to her Jefferson bus stop in about 30 seconds? I really have no idea. Maybe somebody in Dallas/Oak Cliff can try a re-creation to see how long it takes (at a regular walking speed, or even a fast walk) to walk that distance.

Already done and the answer is easy; No. The distance between 10th/Patton and Jefferson is one block, just over 400 feet. At walking speed it takes around 2 to 2,5 minutes.

So, why are you now backtracking from your own statement?

Oh and before I forget; are you really saying that Bowley needed 22 minutes to drive a 6.3 miles distance, which at normal speed would only have taken him 13 minutes at best? You must be saying that, because that would be the consequence of Myers' bogus timeline.

As David is apparently still busy considering how to reply, I'll give him some more information to consider.

That the timestamps on the DPD radio recordings are not reliable is proven by the actual recording itself.

After the dispatcher calls 1:12 there is only 23 seconds of conversation with "45".

This is followed by a tape slice which takes 33 seconds. During that time the dispatcher saying "Did you get it 45" is repeated 8 times. Strangely enough, in the background a noise can be heard which could be somebody keying a mic.

This is followed by 28 seconds of added conversation which can not be found in the transcripts.

As I believe, with good reason, that Tippit was shot around 1:09 or 1:10 it could be regarded as somewhat remarkable that exactly around the time Benavides was trying to key the mic of the police car, there was a slice in the recording. But I'm sure David will tell me I'm just paranoid.

So, let's move on. After the sliced part, the conversation on channel 1 starts again with a call from "212". The segment starting with that "212" and ends with the dispatcher calling the time stamp 1:15 has a total duration of 49 seconds.

Combined this means that the tape slice must have taken from 1:12:45 to 1:14:11, if (and that's a very big "if") the time stamps are correct. But they are not, as we will now see;

The next segment between the time stamp 1:15 and 1:16 is only 47 seconds long. And between 1:16 and 1:19 there are no time stamps at all. However, we can measure the time from the 1:16 time stamp until Bowley starts his radio call. The duration of that segment is 1 minute and 47 seconds. Add to this the 48 seconds that Bowley's call lasted and you end up at 1:18:35 as the actual time (according to the recording) where the dispatcher called 1:19.

The evidence that the DPD radio time stamps can not be relied on, as Bowles told us, is staring us in the fact. All anybody who wants to know (which probably excludes the LNs) has to do it time the actual recording with a stopwatch.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2022, 01:20:18 AM by Martin Weidmann »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Markham's Bus
« Reply #148 on: June 19, 2022, 01:18:04 AM »

Online David Von Pein

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Re: Micro-Managing The Tippit Murder
« Reply #149 on: June 19, 2022, 03:34:16 AM »
Martin is trying to micro-manage the Tippit murder timeline down to the second, which really cannot be done.

Yes, before anyone jumps down my throat for talking out of both sides of my pie hole, I have done a bit of that "micro-managing" myself, when I said I agree with Dale Myers' exacting 1:14:30 time for when the shooting occurred. But I happen to think that Dale has done probably the most work and research that has ever been done by anyone in the world when it comes to the Tippit murder case, and so I am certainly inclined to lean toward his conclusions about various things related to J.D. Tippit's demise....such as Dale's very detailed 2017 article (below) concerning many of the "loose ends" (if you will) concerning the topic of Acquilla Clemons:

But when Martin says something like this....

"...and you end up at 1:18:35 as the actual time (according to the recording) where the dispatcher called 1:19."

....we're only talking about a difference of 25 seconds in real (actual) time---even if Martin's analysis is 100% correct (which is a big "if" right there).

Now, am I really supposed to just flush all of the "Oswald Shot Tippit" evidence (and witnesses) down the nearest toilet due to an alleged 25-second discrepancy when comparing the Dallas police radio transcript with the analysis performed by a guy named Martin Weidmann?

Pardon me if I choose not to perform that last bit of flushing.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2022, 08:05:57 AM by David Von Pein »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Markham's Bus
« Reply #150 on: June 19, 2022, 03:44:31 AM »
In fact, an argument could actually be made that Markham was virtually on schedule to be at her bus stop at precisely 1:15

Markham said she got her bus at 1:15, not she got to her bus stop at 1:15.

Offline John Iacoletti

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« Reply #151 on: June 19, 2022, 03:45:46 AM »
Re Rachel, not if you are using the 'precise words' schtick.

I never said anything even remotely similar to that. You’re either delusional or lying.

JFK Assassination Forum

« Reply #151 on: June 19, 2022, 03:45:46 AM »