CT's are always saying there is no evidence that points to Oswald's guilt. And yet when asked for evidence that proves him innocent they cannot produce it.
I don't know what country you're from, but in the United States it's "innocent until proven guilty", not the other way around.
On the other hand:
Oswald had the opportunity to shoot the president. The motorcade went right past the TSBD.
The motorcade went right past dozens (perhaps hundreds) of people in Dealey Plaza.
Oswald had the means. He owned rifle C2766.
That's a conclusion, not evidence. And it's a conclusion that is not even very well supported by the evidence.
Oswald had the ability. He qualified twice in the Marines as a "Sharpshooter" and as a "Marksman". And that is at 200 yards with iron sights.
And that tells you exactly what about the proficiency of a guy 3-7 years later allegedly firing a bolt action rifle with a misaligned scope at 80-90 yards at a moving target from a 6th floor window?
Oswald had the will to shoot the president. In view of his attempt to kill Gen. Walker I would say yes.
"Attempt to kill Gen. Walker" is another one of those assumptions not well supported by the evidence. Not to mention that Walker was the political
opposite of JFK.
His prints were on the rifle
No, a single partial palmprint was discovered a week later on an index card which was identified as Oswald's.
and at the sniper's nest.
That's not remarkable. His job was to get books out of boxes.
Why was Oswald the only employee that left work at the TSBD?
He wasn't.
Where are the curtain rods he told Frazier that he had in the bag?
Hell, where is the bag?
Why did he tell Capt. Fritz that he had brought his lunch in the big bag? Why not just tell the truth and tell the Capt. that he brought curtain rods?
How do you know what the truth is?
Oswald's housekeeper said he came home and then left after grabbing a jacket.
yes, and . . .?
Why kill Tippet?
Another one of those assumptions not well supported by the evidence. By the way, it's Tippit.
Oswald was id'ed as the killer of Tippet by several witnesses.
No he wasn't. Only one of those witnesses even saw Tippit being killed. And the lineups were unfair and biased.
Why did Oswald go to Ruth Paine's on Thursday instead of his normal Friday visit? To get his rifle, that is why.
Now we have an assumption unsupported by
any evidence. Besides, what makes it a "normal Friday visit"? He had only been at this job about 6 weeks, missed the previous weekend completely, and one other time he had come on a SaPersonay. So "normal visit" is based on what, like 4 visits? How about he went there to try to make up with Marina following their big quarrel the previous weekend?
Oswald tested positive on his hands for having fired a weapon. For those of you who will say "Yes but not on his cheek", it is not likely that a shooter would get powder residue on their cheek from a bolt action rifle.
What makes this not likely? Vincent Guinn disagrees with you. Besides, did you know you can get a false positive on a nitrate test from printing ink? You know like that found in school books?
All of the ballistic evidence was linked to Oswald's rifle and ammo and to him.
"Oswald's rifle" is an assumption not well supported by the evidence. And there is nothing that connects any of the "ballistic evidence" to Oswald. Or even to the murder victims.
54 witnesses reported hearing three shots come from the TSBD.
So what? How is that evidence against Oswald? Besides, these tabulations are all affected by the biases of the person interpreting what is in many cases vague testimony, not to mention testimony colored by the media and other influences. But depending on who's doing the counting, anywhere from 33-52 witnesses reported hearing shots from the knoll. Again, so what?
Witnesses saw the gunman in the 6th floor window with a rifle.
4 witnesses reported seeing a man with a rifle in any window: Howard Brennan, who failed to identify Oswald in the lineup, and who initially described a man wearing light colored clothing who was a different height, weight, and age as Oswald. Carolyn Walther, who said it wasn't as high as the sixth floor, it was two men standing together, and that the man with the rifle was wearing a white shirt and had blond or light brown hair. Arnold Rowland, who saw a man in the South
west 6th floor window 15 minutes before the assassination wearing a light colored shirt, and Amos Euins, who told one reporter that the man with the rifle was "colored", and told the Warren Commission that the man had a bald spot.
What makes you think that
any of these people saw Oswald?
Jarman, Norman, and Williams were right below the 6th floor window on the 5th floor and all of them heard the three shots right above them.
Not quite. On day one, Bonnie Ray Williams said he heard
two shots. But so what? How does the number of shots tell you who did the shooting?
I could add more.
Please do. I'm waiting for something that definitively points to Oswald actually being the shooter.