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Author Topic: The physics of "back and to the left"  (Read 13008 times)

Online Andrew Mason

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Re: The physics of "back and to the left"
« Reply #24 on: July 01, 2022, 05:53:08 PM »
The explosion isn't on the right front of the head, rather, its the top of the head that was blown off.
Matter exploded out of the right side of the upper head as he was leaning forward and turned somewhat to his left. What determines the direction of the recoil impulse is the direction the exploding matter. 

We don't have to guess about that. We can see it.

The matter exploded outward from the ruptured head carrying momentum in the general forward direction relative to the car and somewhat to the right of the direction JFK was facing. The head necessarily received an equal impulse in the opposite direction. So the momentum imparted to the head from the explosion was backward relative to the car which was back and a bit to the left of the direction that is 180 degrees to the direction JFK had been facing.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2022, 05:56:04 PM by Andrew Mason »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The physics of "back and to the left"
« Reply #24 on: July 01, 2022, 05:53:08 PM »

Online Andrew Mason

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Re: The physics of "back and to the left"
« Reply #25 on: July 05, 2022, 08:31:05 PM »
By the way, the proof that a bullet from the back can cause rearward motion is seen in the turkey shoot video that Chad Zimmerman did in 2008.  He hung a freshly killed turkey from a frame and strapped pork ribs to the back.  He fired his 6.5 mm Mannlicher-Carcano using WC 6.5 mm copper jacketed bullet from the left side into the back (left side) of the turkey.  The bullet struck and passed through one of the ribs and its subsequent passage through the turkey caused an explosive exit wound on the right side.  The turkey moved backwards, toward the rifle:

A copy can be downloaded here.

Here it is slowed down from 30 fps to 2 fps on a continuous loop with a 2 second pause:

Having the bullet strike a pork rib bone is somewhat analogous to a bullet striking the skull.  This will flatten the bullet so that it then plows through the ensuing matter building up pressure in front of the bullet until the pressure exceeds the ability of the target to withstand.  The result is an explosion of matter from the target outward from the ruptured part of the target. 

There are obvious differences between shooting a turkey and a live human head.  The pressure inside the rigid skull will be higher so the explosive impulse ejecting the matter and the resulting recoil to the head will be higher.   The mass of the turkey is also greater than that of a human head so the recoil speed would be less with the turkey for the same amount of forward momentum of matter ejected.

But the main point is that the direction the target moves is back toward the shooter.  And it is rapid and observable.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2022, 12:44:55 AM by Andrew Mason »

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: The physics of "back and to the left"
« Reply #26 on: July 06, 2022, 10:46:58 PM »

You have to take into account gravity and recoil from the head explosion. It is complicated because JFK was leaning forward when hit so the impulse from the head explosion has to push his body up initially against gravity and then gravity takes over and he falls.
There is no evidence that a person shot in the head generates muscle spasms. There are many films of people being shot in the back of the head. They just collapse and fall.

However, there is evidence of matter exploding out of the right front of JFK's head likely carrying momentum much greater than the forward momentum of the bullet.  The recoil from this would be an equal and opposite impulse to the head pushing it back and to the left.
one cannot ignore the explosion of the head. The momentum of the matter exploding in a generally forward direction from the front right side of his head can be, and likely is, much more than the forward momentum imparted by the bullet.

Let’s take one point at a time.

You have to take into account gravity …

JFK was sitting pretty much upright, with a slight lean forward. During the early part of the movement, z313-z316, the movement was even slightly “uphill”. But it never mattered. The acceleration was constant. Even when he did start to tilt backwards, the acceleration he would get from gravity was a fraction of the acceleration
Using physics graduate student Michael Hoffman’s calculations, the acceleration of the head during z314-z315. z315-z316 and z316-z317 was 0.26 G’s, 0.26 G’s and 0.17 G’s. Note, I converted Hoffman’s numbers from feet per second squared to G’s. If the head and body were reclined 90 degrees, lying flat on his back, and JFK was free to continue to fall, gravity could accelerate JFK’s head at 1.0 G’s.

My understanding of classical physics is pretty rudimentary. But acceleration of a simple inverted pendulum, shown at:

The acceleration would be 1 G times the sin of the angle, 1 G * sin (a) where the angle is 0 degrees if JFK is sitting bolt upright, 45 degrees if he is greatly reclined backwards and 90 degrees if he is lying on his back.

Yes, I know, this is not a simple inverted pendulum, because JFK’s torso did not contain negligible mass. Still, I think this what I would expect, an acceleration proportional to the sin of the angle.

Acceleration due to gravity alone would not reach 0.26 Gs until JFK was reclined back at 15 degrees. The sign of 15 degrees is roughly 0.26. Looking even at z317, which is getting pretty late in the acceleration, he still seems to be sitting mostly upright. He may be leaning a significant amount to his left. It’s hard to tell. But this would not affect his acceleration backwards.

It is clear to me that the acceleration of JFK’s head backwards from z313 through z317 was not caused by gravity. Nor was it caused by the acceleration of the car, which was slightly accelerating, but only providing less than a tenth of the acceleration needed to account for JFK’s motion.

No, the acceleration was caused by something else. If not by a neurological spasm than there is simply no other explanation for this constant acceleration. Unless one goes with a stream of bullet scenario, where with each Zapruder frame, another bullet struck from the front adding more momentum to JFK’s body moving backwards.

You have to take into … and recoil from the head explosion

The recoil from the head explosion. By which, I believe, you mean the ‘Jet Effect’. But like the ‘bullet from the front’ scenario, this would give a one-time impulse pushing the head backwards. This should not result in a constant acceleration of the head backwards, unless material was spewing out of JFK’s head, carrying a good deal of momentum forward, for over a quarter of a second.

There is no evidence that a person shot in the head generates muscle spasms. There are many films of people being shot in the back of the head. They just collapse and fall.

And these are all people shot in the head with a rifle bullet? And in all cases, the bullet went through near the center of the brain? Was this established in all cases with an autopsy?

In a sense, this cannot be demonstrated. One cannot run an experiment by shooting a person in the head with a rifle bullet. If one does, by accident, have such a video, it cannot be shown because it is an affront to human dignity. I understand that a reporter was murdered by a soldier with a shot through the brain using an assault rifle and it seems to show a neurological spasm, but this cannot be shown, and I have never seen it, because it would be an affront to the dignity of his family. Showing video of JFK’s murder seems to be the only exception.

For those who argue against the Neurological spasm, they need the following guidelines to be strictly adhered to.

1.   Only video of people is to be used as evidence.
2.   Video of animals being shot through the brain are to be ignored, because, for all we know, for unknown reasons, all animals would react one way but people would react another. Even demonstrating this for a dozen different species, some of them primates, would make no difference.
3.   Without any proof from a video of a human being shot, the default assumption is that the Neurological Spasm does not occur in humans, until it is proven that it does.

These guidelines put LNers, like myself in an impossible Catch-22 position. We can’t run an experiment but if such a video falls into our laps, we can’t use it because it would be an affront to human dignity. And we would likely be sued by the victim’s family.

Let me propose a different set of guidelines:

1.   Only video of people is to be used as evidence.
2.   Video of animals being shot through the brain are to be ignored, because, for all we know, for unknown reasons, all animals would react one way but people would react another. Even demonstrating this for a dozen different species, some of them primates, would make no difference.
3.   Without any proof from a video of a human being shot, the default assumption is that the Neurological Spasm does occur in humans, until it is proven that it does not.

I am using the same guidelines as before except I have reversed Guideline 3. If this is done, now CTers are in a Catch-22. Even if the Neurological Spasm were a myth, for both animals and humans, they could not prove this. All experiments on animals are considered irrelevant. All video of humans being shot in the head with a rifle bullet, causing their brains to explode out of their head, but no Neurological Spasm being observed, could not be used to disprove the Theory of Neurological Spasm, because the showing of such video would be an affront to human dignity, and might get them sued by the victim’s family.

Instead, let me propose a more reasonable set of guidelines.

1.   If we have good videos, of people being shot, with rifle bullets, causing their brains to explode out of their heads, the results from these videos and these videos only should determine if the Neurological Spasm occurs in humans or not. Video of animals being shot would be considered irrelevant.
2.   If we cannot use Guideline 1, because of human dignity considerations, fear of lawsuits, or for other reasons, then we must rely of video of animals being shot in the head.
If the Neurological Spasm is seen in animals, then it must be considered to be good evidence that it would also occur in humans.

No, it’s not absolute proof. We don’t get absolute proof in this world for anything. But it should be considered good evidence

Under this last set of guidelines, which is fair to both sides, and does not put either side into an impossible Catch-22 situation, it is clear that Neurological Spasm in humans is quite possible. And, since this is the only possible explanation for the acceleration of JFK’s backwards, it must be considered the most probable explanation as to why JFK’s head moved and accelerated backwards continuously during z313-z318.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The physics of "back and to the left"
« Reply #26 on: July 06, 2022, 10:46:58 PM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: The physics of "back and to the left"
« Reply #27 on: July 07, 2022, 05:29:02 AM »
... it is clear that Neurological Spasm in humans is quite possible. And, since this is the only possible explanation for the acceleration of JFK’s backwards, it must be considered the most probable explanation as to why JFK’s head moved and accelerated backwards continuously...
Stated like the preceding part of the post proved something while admitting that it cannot demonstratively be proven.
It is stated that something is possible and then concluding it is the only possibility.
Other possibilities always remain. Perhaps JFK was hit simultaneously with two shots thereby causing a violent reaction. Although this also can no longer be a proven probability.
However combined with ear witness statements and an assumption that there could have been at least two shooters it cannot be eliminated as a possibility.
Finally, even if there was a spasmodic reaction to a single shot as theorized doesn't prove who did the shooting.

Offline Gary Craig

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Re: The physics of "back and to the left"
« Reply #28 on: July 10, 2022, 04:46:20 PM »
Stated like the preceding part of the post proved something while admitting that it cannot demonstratively be proven.
It is stated that something is possible and then concluding it is the only possibility.
Other possibilities always remain. Perhaps JFK was hit simultaneously with two shots thereby causing a violent reaction. Although this also can no longer be a proven probability.
However combined with ear witness statements and an assumption that there could have been at least two shooters it cannot be eliminated as a possibility.
Finally, even if there was a spasmodic reaction to a single shot as theorized doesn't prove who did the shooting.

quote author=Martin Hinrichs

"What we see here is in my eyes clearly the impact-moment of the shot which hits Kennedy in his back."

"Credit Giuseppe Sabatino"

= 2nd shooter IMO

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The physics of "back and to the left"
« Reply #28 on: July 10, 2022, 04:46:20 PM »

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: The physics of "back and to the left"
« Reply #29 on: July 11, 2022, 01:14:36 AM »

quote author=Martin Hinrichs

"What we see here is in my eyes clearly the impact-moment of the shot which hits Kennedy in his back."

"Credit Giuseppe Sabatino"

= 2nd shooter IMO

The shot through JFK has already occurred before z228.
That's why his fists are already up near his throat.
IMO, the movement forward is part of his reaction to a shot that has already passed through him.
The main reason for thinking this is that JBC is already reacting violently by this point.

Offline Robert Reeves

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Re: The physics of "back and to the left"
« Reply #30 on: July 11, 2022, 01:38:07 AM »

Two shots at approximately z228. One from the front right, and one from the rear. Synced

fractionally first shot in the back. below

and the shot from the front right hitting the chin, in this instance.

And Bingo! same sequence of events at z228 are repeated in z313. A shot hitting JFK in the back (oh the head) from the rear, simultaneously (as witnesses described hearing) ... a kill shot from the front right.

*edited typo

« Last Edit: July 12, 2022, 11:28:32 AM by Robert Reeves »

Offline Gary Craig

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Re: The physics of "back and to the left"
« Reply #31 on: July 11, 2022, 05:40:56 AM »
The shot through JFK has already occurred before z228.
That's why his fists are already up near his throat.
IMO, the movement forward is part of his reaction to a shot that has already passed through him.
The main reason for thinking this is that JBC is already reacting violently by this point.

IMO The shot before 228 hit JFK in the throat from the front. Just as the Drs at Parkland, who saw the wound before the tracheotomy, said. JFK's movenment from Z228 to Z236, a third of a second, is from a shot from behind.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The physics of "back and to the left"
« Reply #31 on: July 11, 2022, 05:40:56 AM »