Let’s take one point at a time.
JFK was sitting pretty much upright, with a slight lean forward. During the early part of the movement, z313-z316, the movement was even slightly “uphill”. But it never mattered. The acceleration was constant. Even when he did start to tilt backwards, the acceleration he would get from gravity was a fraction of the acceleration
Using physics graduate student Michael Hoffman’s calculations, the acceleration of the head during z314-z315. z315-z316 and z316-z317 was 0.26 G’s, 0.26 G’s and 0.17 G’s. Note, I converted Hoffman’s numbers from feet per second squared to G’s. If the head and body were reclined 90 degrees, lying flat on his back, and JFK was free to continue to fall, gravity could accelerate JFK’s head at 1.0 G’s.
1. First of all, you are assuming first that there is sufficient information in the zfilm for anyone to accurately determine the acceleration over the course of 5 frames. There isn't.
The zfilm is not continuous. It represents a view taken for a 1/40th of a second (Zavada Report, Study 4, p. 16) or 25ms out of a total of 55 ms. between consecutive frames.
What we see up to the end of the exposure of z312 is no forward motion of the head or body. What we see in z313 is that the head has moved forward a small but perceptible amount. And we also see that the head has already exploded and there is a cloud of blood spray and some spray trails suspended in the air. So by the time z313 is exposed, the head has received a variety of forward and backward impulses separated in time as the bullet struck the head, then transited the head and then as the exit rupture forcefully caused an ejection of matter out of the head.
The net result of these impulses by the end of the exposure of z313 is a movement of the head slightly forward. But a single exposure does not tell us how it is moving at that point. It could be moving backward, and in my view it must be (see point 5., below). To determine the acceleration between z313 and z314 (change in speed/time between 314 and 313) you need to know what its motion after exposure of z313 was. But that is a guess because that depends on the moment that the bullet struck the head and the zfilm does not tell us that. We also have a blur which makes it difficult to determine accurately the change in position of the head between those two frames.
Similarly, you cannot determine the acceleration between z314 and z315 (change in speed/time) unless you can determine its speed at the end of exposure of z314, which we cannot do.
So in order to analyse what is happening in z313 and after we need to know exactly when the bullet struck the back of JFK's skull. The zfilm does not tell us that.
2. The head is not the only thing that you need to take into account. The head is connected to the upper body which is connected to the lower body which is sitting on a seat. You need to examine the motion of the centre of mass but that is difficult because it is constantly changing.
3. The body is subject to gravity which also has to be taken into account. As the body is leaning forward initially, the rearward force on the head from the head explosion causes rearward momentum that causes the head and body to move back against gravity initially and then with gravity.
4. The neuromuscular mechanism is not clear. If the rearward motion of the body was the result of a neuromuscular response, it had to start within a frame of the bullet striking JFK's head and had to involve the contraction of muscles that would push on something in the car to drive the body rearward. That means the legs would have to be involved and the only thing they could push on would be the seat and the floor. But the legs are bent because he is sitting. It is difficult to understand how that could result in such sudden motion of the body. The force would have to be enormous to move the body that quickly.
In any event, the rearward momentum imparted by the head explosion cannot be ignored even if you think there is a remarkably fast neuromuscular response.
The bullet was travelling at about 1900 fps or 580 m/sec when it struck the back of the head and the path through the head was about 8 inches or 20 cm. We can see that the time for the passage of the bullet through the head is going to be on the order of a millisecond.
So for the transfer of bullet momentum to the head: - forward bullet momentum = 6.1 kg m/sec [(2000 fps = 610 m/sec) x .01 kg]
- mass of head 5 kg.
- assume all forward momentum transferred to head
So the speed of head from bullet impact but prior to head explosion: v=p/m=6.1/5 =
1.22 m/sec forward. That is the
maximum possible speed as it assumes 100% of the bullet momentum is transferred to the head.
For the rearward momentum imparted to the head due to the head explosion: Let's assume that the matter exploding from the head consisted of 1/4 to 1/2 of a kilogram and lets suppose that it carried 3/4 of the bullet energy (ie. .75 x 1860 Joules=1395 J.).
The total momentum of the ejected matter is related to its energy (KE=1395 Joules): by KE=mv^2/2 = p^2/2m where p is the momentum, m is the mass of the ejected matter and KE is the kinetic energy. So p = (2mKE)^1/2 = (2 x (.25 to .5) x 1395)^1/2 = 26 to 37 kg m/sec. Since the explosion is in a semi-circle around the head, not all of this momentum is completely forward. Let's say a minimum of 50% and a maximum of 70% is net forward: 13 kg m/sec (if .25 kg ejected at 50% forward) to 26 kg m/sec (if .5 kg ejected at 70% forward)
So rearward impulse to the head would be, roughly, 13 to 26 kg m/sec.
This means the head (now about 4.5 to 4.75 kg) recoils with a minimum rearward speed of: 13/4.75 kg = 2.75 m/sec. up to 26/4.5= 5.75 m/sec.
So the initial rearward speed of the head is: 2.75 to 5.75 m/sec, much more than the maximum 1.22 m/sec forward speed from the bullet momentum. So it is moving backward at a minimum of 2.75-1.22= 1.5 m/sec. And it acquires that speed in the time it takes for the head explosion to occur. That has already happened by the time z313 was exposed so in z313 the head is already moving backward a
minimum of 1.5 m/sec. due to the head explosion. That would seem to me to account for all the motion seen after z313.