The piece of brain matter on JFK's suit coat cuff that Robert Reeves claims is "Two tiny holes".
Don't twist the words I've already used in this thread. Don't be a weasel, making yourself look petty.
I am quite clear what I believe that mark on JFK's jacket is. It appears to be an abrasion to the fabric. Exposing the jacket's white inner lining - underneath - which is stained with blood. And this can be seen in the photo you've posted. The red/brown areas are blood soaked. I've posted all this, and you haven't done anything to disprove what I said, other than tried to take once piece, one little fraction of the entire post, and twist it, to use in your own narrative.
The interesting thing that you will not address why the mark on the jacket of JFK is consistent with the 'blob' or 'projectiles' path, as shown in the Zapruder film. FROM RIGHT TO LEFT moving across the coat sleeve.

Even the most irrational lone shooter believer must be curious as why there appears to be a version of the Zapruder film that shows a glowing projectile striking, firstly, JFK's wrist, and secondly JFK's chin, appearing, to anyone with an open mind ... to be the cause of JFK's head movement to the right. I haven't faked this scenario. Either someone on Stone's editing team has added this projectile, or it's there originally. And more importantly, why isn't this projectile glowing thing in any other versions of the Zapruder film? According to Joe Hutshing they obtained a copy of the FBI's version of the Zapruder film. So how your assertions be true that this is an inferior copy of the z-film?
The mark on the sleeve is just a very very interesting coincidence of which you or I cannot prove either way. I have requested from the archives a high res photo of the mark on the sleeve. They will not provide a close up of the area.
See, the problem is Steve, you are just trying too hard to disprove anyone messing with the original verdict, again. You are just being unreasonable and actually not allowing yourself to be open minded.
When the jacket photo is subjected to line detection, embossing filters we can only see
1. cuts made by the parkland doctors in the jacket
2. this unexplained mark on the right sleeve.
It doesn't prove either way who is right, but this can easily be resolved if someone is ever to see the jacket in person and inspect the cloth for abrasions/tears/holes.

You're shooting the messenger instead of just trying to find the facts.
I could go on more about this, the suspicious covering of the right sleeve for the Warren Commission exhibit, for instance. This only becomes suspicious when the later 80s photo released by the archives reveals what not shown. This mark on the right sleeve of JFK appears to have been purposely hidden.
Why would this jacket be positioned in such a way to not show the mark on the right sleeve?

Does the Zapruder film show the tear on the right sleeve before the fatal head shot? if this the white underlining of the jacket showing?

While we're at z-253, what is the mark on JFK's jaw, corresponding to the area seen where the projectile strikes JFK?

Don't shoot the messenger.