Of interest is the following statement taken by Jim Leavelle on Feb 17, 1964:

As with her WC testimony, it contains two key, and contradictory, elements:
1) That she started running downstairs immediately after the assassination.
2) She reached the first floor and saw Lovelady and Shelley
In every statement she makes, Adams is running - to the back stairs, down the stairs, out the rear door. Why is she running? In the above statement she makes it clear - she knew someone was being shot at and she wanted to find out what was going on. To imagine she stood around for a few minutes then suddenly sprinted down the stairs is silly. It was an immediate reaction to the shooting.
When we accept her consistent testimony about leaving the fourth floor within seconds of the assassination, and the understandable reason for her doing so, we must also accept that Shelley and Lovelady were not at the bottom of the stairs when Adams and Styles arrived there, seconds after the assassination.
Then why is the sighting of Shelley and Lovelady on the first floor being made by Adams on Feb 17th?
Is it some weird mistake she is making?
Is it the beginning of conspiracy? Has this interview been tampered with?
According to Ernest, Adams never made the statement about seeing Lovelady and Shelley on the first floor.