The 'investigating' authorities know that Mr Oswald has an iron-clad alibi.
Mr Lovelady pretends---------or rather: is told by the 'investigating' authorities to pretend----------that he was the man who accompanied Mr Shelley off those steps, out to the concrete divider, and over west to the first railroad track.
But the worst case scenario is always possible: a photograph/film
clearly putting Mr Oswald and no one else outside with Mr Shelley. Such that the 'It's Lovelady' line just doesn't wash.
Preemptive solution? Get Messrs Shelley & Lovelady to estimate that they didn't leave the front steps until
3-4 minutes after the shooting.
Mr. BALL - You heard the shots. And how long after that was it before Gloria Calvary came up?
Mr. LOVELADY - Oh, approximately 3 minutes, I would say.
Mr. BALL - Three minutes is a long time.Quite ridiculous, of course, but it means that not even Mr Oswald showing up outside would exonerate him. He would have had time to fire the shots, make it down to the lunchroom for his encounter with Baker/Truly, and then leave the building.
As for what Mr Shelley would say in response to the emergence of an undeniable image of Mr Oswald away from the steps (e.g. on concrete street divider; on dead-end street; over west by first railroad track)? 'With all the excitement, I just didn't notice him there. But Billy was definitely there with me, he must be somewhere out of shot in this particular photo/film.'
Fairy-tale saved!