Here is Mr Oswald (blue arrow) being brought into the Homicide Office in handcuffs:

Mr Lovelady is sitting on a chair, watching on.
Mr Oswald cannot immediately be brought into the small back room, because Mr Shelley is in there (purple arrow). He is giving his first affidavit, freely telling of his encounter with Ms Gloria Calvery out by the corner of the 'park'.
He will be asked to give a second affidavit, this one treating of the man who has just been brought in as a suspect.
Like Mr Oswald, Mr Shelley will honestly state that he went outside to watch the P. Parade:

But then his statement will be carefully worded so as to omit a key interval of time containing the simple sequence of events that clears Mr Oswald of the shooting:

What's been left out? Why the
several minutes between being outside on the front steps and being back inside the building 'checking around' for employees.