Thank you, Mr Hawthorn! 
The answer to your question is pretty simple: Mr Oswald was NOT being set up in advance as the actual sixth-floor shooter, still less as a Lone Nut assassin. That ludicrous narrative only got created after the event (for political reasons) by the 'investigating' authorities
It is so obvious that Lovelady is part of the conspiracy. Lovelady is so very well coached to identify Vickie Adams. What an unbelievable conspiracy was taking place. Fortunately for America we have someone to ferret the conspirators out. Thank you for all you do. If you find any more documents like the Top Secret Adam's WC fake testimony, please post it.
Mr. Ball. Who did you see in the first floor?
Mr. Lovelady. I saw a girl but I wouldn't swear to it it's Vickie.
Mr. Ball. Who is Vickie?
Mr. Lovelady. The girl that works for Scott, Foresman.
Mr. Ball. What is her full name?
Mr. Lovelady. I wouldn't know.
Mr. Ball. Vickie Adams?
Mr. Lovelady. I believe so.
Mr. Ball. Would you say it was Vickie you saw?
Mr. Lovelady. I couldn't swear.
Mr. Ball. Where was the girl?
Mr. Lovelady. I don't remember what place she was but I remember seeing a girl as she was talking to Bill or saw Bill or something, then I went over and asked one of the guys what time it was and to see if we should continue working or what.