What it looks like is your reading comprehension needs a lot of work. Debating you is like debating a beta-version bot.
If you can prove that Ms Adams really made that statement, I'll change my mind. Perhaps you can show us the official stenographer's tape? Oh, I forgot-----------the stenographer's tape for Ms Adams' testimony is missing from the archives. What a surprise!
The whole point of getting Ms Adams to make 'corrections' was not to correct the written record but to legitimize a con job.
I'll let Mr Barry Ernest explain:
"Whereas the 1964 version [of the Adams testimony transcription] was declassified on November 21, 1967, this differing transcription shows an additional declassification stamp, bearing a more recent date of February 9, 2011. Coincidentally, that is two months after existence of the Martha Joe Stroud letter was disclosed for the first time in the self-published edition of The Girl on the Stairs.
"To date, no one has been able to explain why this same document needed declassifying twice, the second official release occurring forty-four years later.
"None of the corrections made by Miss Adams in Dallas appeared in her official Warren Commission testimony. This is strange, since the Commission had sufficient time to make those changes. It means the unsigned, uncorrected version of her testimony was indeed what was sent to the GPO."
And there we have it. The doctored document was prepared for one reason and one reason only: to be held in reserve for discrediting Ms Adams should she--------or someone looking too deeply into her story---------start making waves. Once that happened in 2011, the 'corrections' document was magically re-declassified.
And now look at you, Mr Nessan-------you've fallen for it hook, line & sinker! 
The Stroud document is a joke, it is only valued by people desperate to believe it has any elevance at all.
Why would anything of any importance be declassified in 1967? The document you are placing so much importance on looks to be completely fabricated. The handwriting looks to be the only legitimate correction.
Where exactly in her testimony did they start fabricating her statement. Did they make this up too? They could not end the interview with her, because she was such a wealth of info.
Mr. Belin. That is helpful information. Is there any other information you have that could be relevant?
Miss ADAMS. There was a man that was standing on the corner of Houston and Elm asking questions there. He was dressed in a suit and a hat, and when I encountered Avery Davis going down, we asked who he was, because he was questioning people as if he were a police officer, and we noticed him take a colored boy away on a motorcycle, and this man was asking questions very efficaciously, and we said, "I guess he is maybe a reporter," and later on on television, there was a man that looked very similar to him, and he was identified as Ruby.
And on questioning some police officer, they said they had witnesses to the fact that he was in the Dallas Morning News at the time. And I don't know whether that is relevant or what.
Mr. Belin. That is all right, we want to get that information down. Was this before you got back in the front door of the building that you saw this?
Miss ADAMS. Yes, sir; while I was standing by the motorcycles.
Mr. Belin. Is there anything else?
Miss ADAMS. That is all, I believe.
Finally she waives the right to sign the document. Vickie had the ability to change the wording and sign it, the same as everybody else.
Mr. BELIN. Miss Adams, you have the opportunity if you would like, to read this deposition and sign it before it goes to Washington, or you can waive the signing of it and just let the court reporter send it directly to us. Do you have any preference?
Miss ADAMS. I think I will let you use your own discretion.
Mr. BELIN. It doesn't make any difference to us. If it doesn't make any difference, we can waive it and you won't have to make another trip down here.
Miss ADAMS. That is all right.Mr. Belin.
We want to thank you for your, cooperation. We know that it has taken time on your part. Would you also thank your employer?
Miss ADAMS. Yes, sir.