So!1. Mr Oswald breaks for lunch
2. He goes downstairs (washes up, etc.)
3. He goes to the 2nd floor lunchroom to buy a Coca-Cola from the machine
4. He returns to the 1st floor to eat lunch (noticing Messrs Norman & Jarman as they re-enter the building by the back door)
5. He goes outside to watch the P. Parade (having left it till the last minute as he dislikes small-talk with co-workers)
6. Within seconds of the shots ringing out, he dashes down and off the steps to go out and see what all the excitement is about-------in doing this, he is following Mr Bill Shelley, who has already dashed off the steps
7. The pair go west to the railroad yards and stand around for some time watching the action
8. The pair re-enter the Depository by the west door
9. Mr Oswald is spotted in a small storage room on the first floor
10. Mr Oswald is stopped by Officer Kaminski trying to leave the building: Mr Truly vouches for him, and he is told he may step outside but is not to leave the premises
11. A man flashing credentials comes running to the door and asking for a telephone: Mr Oswald directs him to the phone on the shipping-floor
12. Mr Oswald goes outside and, at some point thereafter, slips away