You don't believe that the presence of Oswald's rifle at the crime scene is highly incriminatory absent some explanation of its presence from Oswald!
The presence of the rifle is massively incriminating. It's the most incriminating piece of evidence there is. As far as I'm concerned, that's the point of the rifle -
to be incriminating!Particularly given Oswald's actions in fleeing the scene and murdering a police officerless than an hour later. Your rebuttal to this is that some witnesses who claimed to see the person in the TSBD from the street charactered his shirt color or hair inaccurately.
My rebuttal is that almost all the available evidence regarding who was on the 6th floor just before, during and after the assassination points away from Oswald:
Rowland, Roberts and Fischer all appear to describe the same man and that he was wearing clothes Oswald wasn't wearing and didn't own. Three independent eye-witness testimonies.
Euins is emphatic about the bald spot on the shooters head.
Garner never saw Oswald supposedly hurrying down the stairs - because he didn't hurry down the stairs, because he wasn't on the 6th floor at the time of the shooting.
He was in the Domino Room as he claims he was and this is confirmed by his observation of Jarman and Norman after they entered the rear door and were making their way to the west elevator. If they'd used the east elevator he wouldn't have seen them but it is because they had to walk around to the west one they came into view.
You can try and brush this all off all you want but it won't go away.
And that Oswald's rifle COULD have been planted even though there is not a scintilla of evidence of such. Wow.
If Oswald wasn't on the 6th floor at the time of the shooting, and the available evidence dictates he wasn't, then the rifle was planted there to frame him. What possible evidence could there be for someone placing the rifle in it's hiding place? Film footage?
Brennan explained his initial reasons for not identifying Oswald. It had nothing to do with any ambiguity about who he saw. He testified under oath that the shooter was Oswald.
Nevertheless, he refused to identify Oswald and his reasons for not doing so are weak sauce indeed.
Does every witness have to be like a circus performer and estimate someone's age with exact precision to be credible? He didn't claim the shooter was 75 years old. But if you think this kind of pedantic nonsense rebuts the implications of Oswald's rifle being left at the crime scene, then take this argument to Illinois and defend the maniac who shot up that parade. Maybe his rifle was planted as well. I'm sure some citizen under sniper attack might have described his age or shirt color imprecisely.

I'll ignore the more outlandish parts of this section of your post.
Brennan states that the man he saw on the 6th floor appeared much older than Oswald. That's that.
His description of the shooter's movements after the assassination contradicts the WC's account, which left barely three seconds for Oswald to get in position on the 2nd floor looking calm and not out of breath. That's that.