Oswald didn't specifically say that the two walked by the lunchroom.
OMG!.... You post a picture that clearly shows a window in the east and north wall of the first floor lunchroom, and Jarman and Norman would have had to walk next to those windows to get to the door of the shipping room and the elevators.
Seems to me that east-side window doesn't offer much of a vantage point to the sidewalk. The north window maybe for a second as does the view from the open door of the lunchroom. Oswald would have to be already staring out the north window or the lunchroom door to observe the two men passing. That suggests he wasn't reading the newspaper or eating his "lunch". Maybe Lee was looking out at the sky and daydreaming of hijacking a plane to Cuba.
I believe Oswald in the SN window could have seen the two men hanging out together on the sidewalk. Then they appear together at the same time on the floor and side of the building that was below the SN window. Not a stretch to venture they entered the building together.
As Oswald didn't specify seeing them pass by the north window, it's just as likely he would have assumed they entered through the front door, where--depending on where he sat in the lunchroom--his odds of seeing them were much greater.
And Lee most certainly DID tell Captain Fritz that he saw those two men walk by the 1st floor lunchroom while he was there in that room.
So where does Oswald say he saw the two men men pass through the first floor at 12:25/26?