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Author Topic: Progress... Have we made any ?.....  (Read 19807 times)

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Progress... Have we made any ?.....
« Reply #40 on: July 14, 2022, 04:53:21 PM »
This is the usual “the conspiracy I just made up in my head would never do something like this, therefore Oswald did it” strawman.

Time to get a new script.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Progress... Have we made any ?.....
« Reply #40 on: July 14, 2022, 04:53:21 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Progress... Have we made any ?.....
« Reply #41 on: July 14, 2022, 05:19:32 PM »
You don't need the "or" part.

we lone assassin believers are complete fools, misled by "the government", conned into believing things that didn't happened, essentially living in a "Matrix" world;


we lone assassin believers are complete fools,

You could have stopped at that, Mr Beck.... The LNer's are in fact a bunch of gutless fools who lack the guts to open their eyes to reality......  ( "None is so blind as he who will not open his eyes and... see)

The conspirators counted on them and knew that a vast majority would be afraid to face reality.  At the top of the list of gutless cowards was the Warren Commissioners.... 

They had the evidence and facts right there in front of them but were afraid that the American public would riot and destroy the country if it were revealed that the murder of JFK was simply an old fashioned coup d 'etat.....with LBJ slathering at the bit 
to take control.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Progress... Have we made any ?.....
« Reply #42 on: July 14, 2022, 05:38:03 PM »
One of them (see above post by me).

Try to keep up, I already corrected you on this BS claim.

That's demented even by your standards.

Your straw man was devoid of logic so you're kinda right on this one, incidentally.

But some witness allegedly got the color of Oswald's shirt wrong while viewing him through a window in a six-story building and/or estimated his age incorrectly by a few years (no future career in the circus for them).

Try to keep up, I already corrected you on this BS claim.

Some witnesses???....virtually ALL of the witnesses who saw a man behind a sixth floor window  said that the man was wearing a LIGHT  COLORED shirt......  There was not a single witness who reported that the man was wearing a DARK colored reddish brown shirt...And Lee Oswald was in fact wearing a DARK colored reddish brown shirt.

Don't you ever get tired of lying Mr "smith??"

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Progress... Have we made any ?.....
« Reply #42 on: July 14, 2022, 05:38:03 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Progress... Have we made any ?.....
« Reply #43 on: July 14, 2022, 06:36:22 PM »
before his co-workers were interviewed about him, about where he was and they were at the time of the shooting. If they give him an alibi - "Lee was with us on the steps at the time" - then their whole plan collapses

They knew where Lee was and knew that he wouldn't allow himself to be seen at the time that he was supposed to be firing shots AT AT AT JFK.   (Just as he had fired a shot AT AT AT General Walker.)  If Lee had decided to back out of the plot to get him into Cuba, and had been anywhere that could be confirmed by his fellow TSBD workers then they would not have fired that loud firecracker that was the signal to the snipers to open fire.  They knew that Lee was out of sight and thought that they would be successful in framing him as the lone nut assassin.  They didn't count on Jarman and Norman walking by the lunchroom at 12:26  and Lee would be able to use them as a rock solid alibi.   Lee saw Jarman and Norman walk by the lunchroom at 12:26 and he told Captain Fritz that he'd seen them walk by.   THAT was a big mistake.... Fritz realized that If Lee had a attorney and Oswald told his attorney that he had seen J&N walk by the lunchroom just a couple of minutes before the murder then he and his confederates would be headed for the gallows.  In desperation Fritz set Lee up to be shot by Jack Ruby....

Another great example of logic fallacy.  If Oswald was part of the conspiracy, then why not as the shooter on the 6th floor?  LOL.  At the very least, the conspirators would have kept Oswald on the 6th floor under some pretext to avoid the very real risk that he otherwise might have been in the presence of someone in the building at the moment of the assassination.  Providing him with an alibi.  You honestly think the plan was to frame Oswald for the crime but allow him to roam about the building to be seen by anyone?  Good grief.

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Progress... Have we made any ?.....
« Reply #44 on: July 14, 2022, 07:05:52 PM »
But some witness allegedly got the color of Oswald's shirt wrong while viewing him through a window in a six-story building and/or estimated his age incorrectly by a few years (no future career in the circus for them).

Try to keep up, I already corrected you on this BS claim.

Some witnesses???....virtually ALL of the witnesses who saw a man behind a sixth floor window  said that the man was wearing a LIGHT  COLORED shirt......  There was not a single witness who reported that the man was wearing a DARK colored reddish brown shirt...And Lee Oswald was in fact wearing a DARK colored reddish brown shirt.

Don't you ever get tired of lying Mr "smith??"

'Some witnesses???....virtually ALL of the witnesses who saw a man behind a sixth floor window  said that the man was wearing a LIGHT  COLORED shirt......  There was not a single witness who reported that the man was wearing a DARK colored reddish brown shirt...And Lee Oswald was in fact wearing a DARK colored reddish brown shirt.'

There you go again, ignoring the weather
Like the blazing sun flooding over Oswald

Dude, get in the mood:
Here Comes the Sun/The Beatles
Sunny Days/Lighthouse

Here, get a clue


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Progress... Have we made any ?.....
« Reply #44 on: July 14, 2022, 07:05:52 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Progress... Have we made any ?.....
« Reply #45 on: July 14, 2022, 07:17:57 PM »
'Some witnesses???....virtually ALL of the witnesses who saw a man behind a sixth floor window  said that the man was wearing a LIGHT  COLORED shirt......  There was not a single witness who reported that the man was wearing a DARK colored reddish brown shirt...And Lee Oswald was in fact wearing a DARK colored reddish brown shirt.'

There you go again, ignoring the weather
Like the blazing sun flooding over Oswald

Dude, get in the mood:
Here Comes the Sun/The Beatles
Sunny Days/Lighthouse

Here, get a clue


Someone should send the lawyer for that recent shooter in Illinois all these CTer defense tips.  I'm sure some witness to that July 4 event didn't get his shirt color or age exactly correct.  Maybe someone planted his rifle too?  There doesn't have to be any evidence of such to raise doubt.  Just claim it is possible.

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: Progress... Have we made any ?.....
« Reply #46 on: July 14, 2022, 07:43:42 PM »
Someone should send the lawyer for that recent shooter in Illinois all these CTer defense tips.  I'm sure some witness to that July 4 event didn't get his shirt color or age exactly correct.  Maybe someone planted his rifle too?  There doesn't have to be any evidence of such to raise doubt.  Just claim it is possible.
He needs to change his last name to Oswald and get some of these guys on the jury. He'll walk.

The late John McAdams once observed the number of conspiracists who "identified with Oswald as kind of a victim.....somebody who was treated badly by the authorities" and how they often refer to him as "Lee" or "Ozzie." "Poor Lee."

It is strange how they have none of this empathy for others, no concern about them being mistreated by the authorities. Garrison is usually given a pass for his abuses. Of Shaw. Of Ferrie. Of even Oswald. Ruth Paine is smeared. Others accused of treason. No compassion for them.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Progress... Have we made any ?.....
« Reply #47 on: July 14, 2022, 07:46:57 PM »

Another great example of logic fallacy.  If Oswald was part of the conspiracy, then why not as the shooter on the 6th floor?  LOL.  At the very least, the conspirators would have kept Oswald on the 6th floor under some pretext to avoid the very real risk that he otherwise might have been in the presence of someone in the building at the moment of the assassination.  Providing him with an alibi.  You honestly think the plan was to frame Oswald for the crime but allow him to roam about the building to be seen by anyone?  Good grief.

If Oswald was part of the conspiracy, then why not as the shooter on the 6th floor?

The conspirators knew that they couldn't force Lee to do anything....They knew that he had to believe that it was his idea....and Lee knew that was a very real danger of actually being at that window with a rifle....He knew that he might get shot by a Secret Service agent if he was actually at that window...So he said he would leave the shells and the rifle as evidence that it was he who had taken a potshot at the president.....( just as he had at Walker's) and he would be out of sight  in the first floor lunchroom and toilet and shower facility.     

At the very least, the conspirators would have kept Oswald on the 6th floor under some pretext to avoid the very real risk that he otherwise might have been in the presence of someone in the building at the moment of the assassination. 

They may have tried to get Lee to be on the sixth floor at the time JFK passed by....But Lee wasn't a complete idiot, he didn't want to be completely isolated from the crowd who could see him if they tried to shoot him, as they would have done if he had been on the sixth floor.   

 You honestly think the plan was to frame Oswald for the crime but allow him to roam about the building to be seen by anyone?

Lee thought that it was basically the same ruse that he had tried at Walker's ....He thought that he would be welcomed to Cuba for attempting to shoot JFK, just as he had thought when he fired a bullet through Walker's window.....

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Progress... Have we made any ?.....
« Reply #47 on: July 14, 2022, 07:46:57 PM »