Is it a coincidence that Roger Stone supports Donald Trump, the greatest white supremacist president since the nineteenth century, while arguing that the greatest pro civil rights president, since Abraham Lincoln, Lyndon Johnson, was the driving force behind the assassination of JFK?
Ah, so you're a leftist wingnut. I should have guessed. If Donald Trump is a white supremacist, it's very odd that he twisted many Republican arms in the Senate to get done what no other president had managed to do: to secure permanent federal funding for several historically black colleges. Strange behavior for a white supremacist.
I see in another reply that you also dismiss the evidence that the 2020 election was stolen. I'm guessing you have not read a single page of any serious article or judicial opinion that discusses the evidence of widespread election fraud in 2020. Here's my website on the subject: subject of Obama's birth certificate is too old to haggle about, but, here too, I'm guessing you've read nothing on the other side of the story. It was well known in the early '60s that it was very easy to get a fake birth certificate in Hawaii. Here are some facts on this issue that warrant consideration:
-- If Obama was born in Hawaii, why is the certificate number of his Certification of Live Birth (COLB) markedly out of sequence with the COLBs before and after his COLB recorded in the official local certificate ledger for that month in 1961? Recall that when Obama first released his COLB,
the certificate number was blacked out. Why do you suppose that was? But later, due to a clerical error, his campaign accidentally released an unredacted copy of the COLB that showed the certificate number, and then researchers were able to track down his COLB and the COLBs in the certificate ledger for the day before, day of, and day after his alleged birth there. Lo and behold, they found that his certificate number was clearly out of sequence.
-- When Obama finally released his birth certificate (BC), many people were quick to note that it bore no resemblance to the description of his birth certificate given by Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of Hawaii's Department of Public Health, when she supposedly "verified" Obama's birth certificate in 2008. Dr. Fukino, among other things, said the birth certificate was half "handwritten." However, the birth certificate that Obama released has very little handwriting on it. Was Dr. Fukino drunk when she examined and then "verified" the birth certificate? How could she have been looking at the same BC that Obama later released and described it as half handwritten?
-- Why are there are no records that Ann Dunham (Obama's mother) was ever a patient at Kapi’olani Hospital in 1961? I’m talking about records other than the problematic COLB and BC, such as a patient record, a hospital bill or receipt, admittance form, etc., etc.
-- Are you aware with the problems with the announcement of Obama's birth published in local newspapers at the time? (By the way, people who came to Hawaii to get fake BCs for newborns would often arrange for local newspaper announcements of birth to give the BC credibility.)
-- Finally, can you provide a logical, credible explanation for why the About the Author write-up for Obama's first book
said he was born in Kenya? This was way back before anyone imagined he would run for president. Where did the publisher get the information that Obama was born in Kenya? Did they just guess? No, as an author myself, I can assure that you that the About the Author info was provided by Obama, and that the publisher would rely on the author for that kind of information. No publisher or literary agent would just guess about something like that.
I won't reply to your response because I don't care enough about the issue anymore to dialogue on it, so you'll get the last word. I might add that the requirement that a person be a natural-born citizen is outdated, and that's one reason I said little about the birth-certificate issue when the debate was going on about it.