Oswald fired 2 shots -- he was already standing back from the window at Z313 when he saw Hickey blow jfk's brains out.
Cool story, bro.
I will start the timing after the first shot if Baker starts his timing after the first shot.
He did.
Mr. BAKER - We went back and made two trial runs on that, and---
Mr. BELIN - Was that on Friday, March 20?
Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir.
Mr. BELIN - All right.
Mr. BAKER - And the first run we made it was a minute and 30 seconds, and--
Mr. DULLES - Will you say from what time to what time, from the last shot?
Mr. BAKER - From the last shot.
Mr. BELIN - The first shot.
Mr. DULLES - The first shot?
Mr. BAKER - The first shot.