This is better than I could've hoped for - two for the price of one.
Firstly Steve's:
Yep, shoot him in the TSBD and then plant the rifle. Then have about 6-8 people planted in the crowd who would say, "I saw him shoot JFK."
Just as, it's claimed, they had all of those witnesses say he shot Tippit or was at the scene during the shooting or fleeing it with the revolver in his hand. They all were coerced or manipulated into saying it was Oswald.
The claim by the Oswald defenders is you can't place him in that window at the time of the shooting. Then the Oswald defenders say all of the evidence was planted or manufactured. So why didn't they manufacture 6-8 witnesses to say they saw him fire the rifle?
They don't like questions like this. Especially the "I'm not a conspiracist" types who should like these questions if they're here to discuss the event.I accept the credible evidence that it was not Oswald on the 6th floor at the time of the assassination and, as such, that automatically makes me a Conspiracy Theorist. But I'm not some Tinfoil "everything is faked" bullsh%t merchant. So the tactic of putting me in with this crowd doesn't wash. I believe Oswald shot Tippit and that he was on the run the second he left the TSBD building, so your weak-arsed argument that "it's just like the Tippit shooting" can be shoved.
It's an infamous tactic of LNer zealots to bundle together all CTers as if they're the same thing - LNers are the same thing, CTers are not. But when the going gets hot (as it is just about to) it's a convenient ploy.
That there can be a massive conspiracy in which everyone can be involved is Magical Thinking, so we can dispense with the notion of having "6-8 people planted in the crowd". Unlike the four actual eye-witnesses who all describe the same clothing worn by the shooter but not owned by Oswald. This, by itself, is enough to cast enormous doubt regarding the identification of Oswald as the shooter, particularly as all four eye-witnesses describe the same type of clothing.
Now Charles:
"If you are going to frame someone, don’t pussyfoot around. Make it look like he was in the act of assassinating JFK and shoot him right then and there. The details are surely within the very capable imaginations of you guys…"
Again, here we are with the "you guys" tactic - all CTers are the same.
So, in Charles' imagination Oswald is in the SN with a rifle pointing it at JFK but not actually shooting - awesome stuff. Many TFers are green with envy at this horsesh$t.
Let's start with the simple stuff - a question to you both - who shoots Oswald?
This should be interesting