That’s not surprising to read. However, you are probably familiar with Murphy’s Law. It just seems to me that it would be prudent to design the rifle so that it is feasible to load single cartridges for contingencies. And I do believe that Robert Frazier indicated that it is feasible.
I do believe that Robert Frazier indicated that it is feasible.Yes you're right, Frazier did testify that the carcano could be loaded as a seven shot rifle.....But I can point out several examples that he was in error regarding the carcano. So I wouldn't bet the farm that the carcano can be loaded as a seven shot rifle if I were you.
Question for you... How do you go about loading a single round and then a full six round clip so that the rifle can fire seven rounds?? You know that the cartridges MUST be fed up to the bolt from beneath the bolt ( i'm sure that you know that because you posted the cutaway illustrations that show that it is a fact. ) Ok ....So you fumble around and manage to get the loose single cartridge seated on the face of the bolt and close the bolt...Now you have a single cartridge in the chamber and ready to fire but you must open the bolt to insert the six round clip from the top....But when you open the bolt it extracts and ejects the single round ......OOOPs....That attempt just failed.... So HOW do you load seven rounds