I'm sorry Jim...You don't WANT to follow along with my statements, you want to BELIEVE what suits your theory.
I've said over and over that the cartridge MUST be seated on the face of the bolt BEFORE the cartridge is in the chamber. IF the cartridge is in the chamber (as I've always stated was the case when the rifle was found ) then the front of the bolt is SURROUNDED by the rear of the firing chamber and the extractor CANNOT cam up and over the rim of the cartridge that is in the chamber.
Let me repeat what I've always said....The yokel who placed the live round in the carcano didn't know that the bolt won't close and latch if you merely drop a cartridge into the firing chamber. The yokel didn't know that, and he did in fact drop a live cartridge into the chamber and attempt to close and latch the bolt. The bolt hit the back of the cartridge in the chamber and the bolt could not be latched. (The extractor would not cam over the rim of the cartridge ) The bolt was stopped in the exact place that it is seen in the Alyea film. Thus the yokel simply hid the rifle beneath the pallet of books with the bolt unlatched ( the rifle was NOT ready to fire as the liars claimed.) We can be sure that the extractor was not behind the rim of the cartridge because the live round simply fell out by the force of gravity and NOT by being pulled out by the extractor, because the cartridge did not strike the ejector and fly away from the rifle....It simply fell on the floor.
I'm starting to get a grip on what you're saying Walt.
Correct me if I'm wrong. In the pic below I'm not sure what the component is called picked out by the red arrow but in Charles' graphic, when the bolt is latched downwards, this component also moves downwards into the slot picked out by the yellow arrow. It appears that this component is not in line with the slot so, I'm assuming, the bolt is not fully forward and it isn't possible to latch the bolt.
What I don't understand is why a bullet, manually inserted into the chamber, would cause the bolt to be blocked.