Here's the deal.... The rifle found in the Texas School Book Depository Building was 40.2″ long and was the Carcano Fucile Modello 91/38.
This rifle weighs 7.44 lb.
No one has ever replicated the act of carrying ...unnoticed by any others... this amount of hardware in a flimsy paper sack [as described by Mr Frazier] ... the only person that the Warren gang managed to bully into half-halfheartedly fingering Lee.
The weight you've posted is for a Carcano without a scope.... I believe that CE 139 weighed nearly 9 pounds.
The reason that the weight is important is because the official tale would have us believe that skinny Lee Oswald had a grip like bench vise. He was able to hold that 9 pound rifle by the butt, with his right hand, while he inserted it between the boxes of books (As seen in the official DPD in situ photo) He would have had to use his left hand to balance himself as he leaned across the row of boxes.
Try this:.... Try to hold 40 inch long piece of 2X4 lumber ( approx 2 lbs) , by the end, with one hand and place it beneath a coffee table.... This simple experiment should provide you with verification for my claim that Lee Oswald DID NOT place that 9 pond rifle into the crevice between the boxes of books as it is seen in the official DPD police photo.