You asked a question and I gave you an answer. I didn’t expect that you would accept it. You never accept anything other than your own misguided opinion. So arguing with you about the details of a hypothetical frame job would be insane. No thanks…
Run along Charles, you are way out of your depth.
"You asked a question..." - "Can you think of a better way?" [of framing Oswald than leaving his weapon at the scene]
"...and I gave you an answer" - "Shoot him in the act" [of committing the crime he is being framed for]
Thank you for taking the time out to share your searing insight into the case.
D'oh!!The bottom line is this - for LNers the rifle is the key. It is the murder weapon, found on the floor from which the shooting took place, and it belongs to Oswald.
Therefore Oswald is the assassin.This is exactly what planted evidence is supposed to do, misguide and misdirect.
There isn't a better, simpler way to frame Oswald for the shooting.
"Shoot him in the act"
Four eye-witnesses state the assassin wore a white/off-white shirt - a garment Oswald was not wearing that day and did not own.
Amos Euins states time and time again the assassin had a "bald spot" on his head:
"I seen a bald spot on this man's head, trying to look out the window. He had a bald spot on his head. I was looking at the bald spot."Oswald had no such bald spot.
According to the LNer narrative, Oswald hid out for over 20 minutes in the SN while BRW had his lunch on the 6th floor. But eight officers testified to seeing the lunch remains
at the SN, three actually testified that the lunch remains were
on top of the SN. Arnold Rowland saw a man with a scoped rifle on the 6th floor SW corner window 15 minutes before the motorcade arrived, at a time when Oswald was supposed to be hiding out in the SN. Arnold also saw a black male in the SN window at a time when BRW was eating his lunch, the remains of which were found at the SN.
According to the LNer narrative Oswald rushes from the SN, in order to escape the TSBD. But Howard Brennan describes the assassin lingering at the window, admiring his handiwork. Harold Norman, directly below the SN hears the bolt of the rifle being worked, he hears the shells hitting the floor, but doesn't hear anyone rushing away from the scene. Oswald supposedly rushes downstairs
then goes into the second floor lunchroom to buy a Coke!But he isn't rushing down the stairs, because he wasn't on the 6th floor. If he had been rushing down the stairs he would've been seen by the perfectly placed Dorothy Garner.
We know he's not on the 6th floor because he sees James Jarman and Harold Norman on the first floor, making their way to the west elevator after entering the rear door of the TSBD building. This is ten minutes after Rowland has spotted the man with the rifle on the 6th floor.
Brennan describes the man he sees on the 6th floor as being much older than Oswald. He also describes the man as having a "fair complexion".
Ronald Fischer makes a similar observation concerning the man on the 6th floor, but contrasts it with Oswald's "dark" complexion.
"...looking at him from the street in the School Book Depository Building--if I could have been able to---if I could have seen that. I think, if he had been unshaven in the window, it would have made his complexion appear--well---rather dark; but I remember his complexion was light;"Brennan also describes the shooter as being "neat" - not a word readily associated with Oswald.
According to the LNer narrative, Oswald has the foresight to prepare a place to hide the rifle, wipe the rifle down for prints,
but leaves the shells just lying on the floor. That LNers have zero doubt Oswald took the shots displays a zeal most religious fanatics would be proud of. In this way they are uncannily similar to the Tinfoil Brigade who, in the face of whatever evidence is thrown at them, are unmoved from their "convictions". They are also similar in that they both hide behind the banner of "Truth".