This statement also contains a false premise since Oswald wasn't in the lunchroom.
Really? And you know this how? Even more importantly, can you prove where he was?
He could certainly hear the police broadcasts over a motorcycle radio through an open window in the building.
"An" open window? What window would that be?
And what kind of amazing super power is this? He can hear police broadcasts from a motorcycle radio as the bike passes by? Wow!
He was not the top floor of a skyscraper but the 6th floor of a building that was in close proximity to the motorcycle radio heard by Rowland.
Too bad you just can't prove that!
No idea but it wasn't necessary since his every movement is not known.
His every movement isn't known, but you know nevertheless that he wasn't in the Domino room but on the 6th floor instead. You got super powers also?
We know only that he was in the 6th floor window at 12:30 since that is when he pulled the trigger of his rifle at that moment.
No. We don't know that and you can't prove it. Jesse Curry stated:
"No one has ever been able to put him (Oswald) in the Texas School Book Depository with a rifle in his hand."
Yet, here we have Richard Smith who knows better..... Hilarious!
Huh? I'm not sure what you are babbling about here. Rowland indicated that he heard the motorcycle radio report around 12:15. It was not a police bike driving through Dealey Plaza but one
parked there. What open window? HA HA HA. Take a guess.
Mr. ROWLAND - Right afterwards. There was--just before I observed him there was
a police motorcycle parked just on the street, not in front of us, just a little past us, and the radio was on it giving the details of the motorcade, where it was positioned, and right after the time I noticed him and when my wife was pointing this other thing to me, I don't remember what that was, the dispatcher came on and gave the position of the motorcade as being on Cedar Springs. This would be in the area of Turtle Creek, down in that area.
I can't remember the street's name but I know where it is at. And this was the position of the motorcade and it was about 15 or 16 after 12.