Oswald's prints on the cartons and boxes, coworkers who saw him on the sixth floor, Harold Brennan, the Carcano rifle he ordered that had his prints on it. Not everything has your Hollywood-movie-film or time-travel for proof (and even then). As for hearing, one of the men at the fifth floor windows said they could hear shells dropping above and the bolt being recycled.
What part of "And please spare us your selfserving bogus gif because it's BS also" did you not understand?
Your pathetic gif has Oswald hanging out of the window in a way that never happened and it shows Jarman and Norman at a location they never were. That's why it's bogus. For anybody not sticking his head out the window, the entire sidewalk next to the building is not visible.
Oswald's prints on the cartons and boxes,Wow... he worked there and his job had him opening and moving boxes
coworkers who saw him on the sixth floor,Not after 12:00. Bonnie Ray Williams was on the 6th floor until approx 12:20 and he saw nobody
Harold BrennanIs an utter joke
the Carcano rifle he ordered that had his prints on it.Wrong again. The FBI checked for prints within 24 hours of the shooting and found no prints. And the evidence that he ordered "the Carcano rifle" is questionable at best and relies entirely on the opinion of an FBI expert about the handwriting on the order form
Not everything has your Hollywood-movie-film or time-travel for proof (and even then). And hardly any real life crime has as little physical and conclusive evidence as this one
As for hearing, one of the men at the fifth floor windows said they could hear shells dropping above and the bolt being recycled.Which proves exactly nothing about what anybody in the S/N could have heard about what was going on on the floor below.