Itis questionable if at the time the Weigman and Darnell films were 1st examined if PM was as visible as he is now.
Could it be that PM was pretty much in total darkness when the original films were seen? Was the negative film frames still as dark?
Because as I understand it, it wasn’t until around 2011? That somebody ( maybe it was Groden?) who discovered PM after a process of lighting up the negative frames?
If this the case, the the conspirators didn’t see any PM figure that in any way could possibly resemble Oswald . Thus the reason why ther was no added darkening to obscure PMs white object.
Therefore, the reason for the blackened part of Lovelady in Weigman film was possibly because his right arm had to be obscured since his right sleeve was not rolled up. This was an attempt to hide an anomaly in the 1st version of the Altgens 6 photo , the Cronkite version, which shows what appears to be a forearm raised with some horizontal element ( bottle) and the shirt sleeve rolled up.
After realizing however, that the forearm in the 1sr version Altgens did not belong to the black man in front of Lovelady, the Altgens photo seems to have been altered to “erase” this arm, (and bottle) by adding texture pattern of Loveladys shirt to create the illusion .Loveladys right arm is there.
Only problem is the end of Loveladys right shirt sleeve looks Ike it extends in FRONT of part of the black man’s face. This is obviously Impossible.