Thank you, Mr Collins-----it was indeed later, a lot later.
So! Are you saying that Mr Howard Brennan's on-the-scene description of the man he saw firing from the sixth-floor window is the descrption in relation to which Insp. Sawyer says the witness cannot remember enough to give a clothing description? And that it is "unknown if he was in the building in the first place"?

This was during the first 15 to 20 minutes after the shots. They were still trying to figure out what happened.
“From this building it is unknown if he is still there or not. Unknown if
he was there in the first place.”
Mr. BELIN. Then it reads back here, “All the information we have received, indicates it did come from the fifth or fourth of that building.”
That is the central headquarters back to you, is that it?
Mr. SAWYER. That’s right.
Why are you asking about this?