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Author Topic: Liz Cheney Defeated!  (Read 20054 times)

Online Richard Smith

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Liz Cheney Defeated!
« on: August 17, 2022, 01:03:07 PM »
In a great victory for democracy, the oligarch Liz Cheney was repudiated by the voters of Wyoming last night in a landslide defeat by almost 40 points.  She betrayed her constituents, the republican party, President Trump, and even her own father by groveling for support from Dems who had called him a war criminal.   One more corrupt swamp politician swept from office.  She showed sincerity for only one cause other than retention of her own power, an obsessive hatred of President Trump.  A person with whom she agreed on almost every policy decision.  It's unfortunate that she did not show this same dedication to addressing the many disasters that have unfolded under Biden.  Inflation, crime, illegal immigration, censorship, and the political persecution of numerous republicans.  On these matters she was silent or often even complicit.  Now she leaves office in complete disgrace.  Hardly a footnote in Trump's volume of history.  The leftist spin on her crushing defeat despite having every advantage over her opponent that this a springboard to larger things (i.e. becoming president) is an Alice-in-Wonderland fantasy.  She couldn't be elected dog catcher.  Her career is over.  The voters have judged her and spoken.  That is how democracy works despite the corrupt political establishment and radical media hoping it was otherwise.  A great day for America and democracy.

JFK Assassination Forum

Liz Cheney Defeated!
« on: August 17, 2022, 01:03:07 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2022, 05:17:14 PM »
Liz Cheney is forming a group called "The Great Task."  As she has no supporters, the group will consist mostly of herself and leftist media.  The task?  Getting a handle on the flood of illegal immigrants?  No.  Stopping record crime in our cities? No.  Reducing inflation?  No.  Ending the endless foreign wars that her father started decades ago?  Nope.  The sole "task" appears to be to oppose Trump and protect the corrupt political establishment of which she was once a part (but no longer thanks to her crushing defeat).  Goodbye Liz!  Maybe they will build her a fake Capitol Hill office like Biden's fake WH set complete with video screen windows.   She can sit at her tiny desk and pretend that she is still relevant.   

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2022, 05:32:11 PM »
Liz should call her new group the "Last Gasp" since her political career is over.  She did manage to fleece about $10 million from gullible Dems who contributed to her doomed campaign.  She spent almost none of that in this election knowing that it was hopeless.  She gave her concession speech moments after the polls closed to get on TV on the east coast.  Not even allowing the courtesy to count some votes before declaring her a loser.  There were about a dozen people in attendance including her father.   LOL.  Talk about going out in a whimper.  So long Liz!  You contributed nothing to the country except to protect the oligarchs such as yourself.  Trump's winning just never stops. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2022, 05:32:11 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2022, 08:48:40 PM »
The intimidation tactics including shackling an elderly Peter Navarro in leg irons at the airport like a 19th century criminal has gotten so bad that Trump apparently can't find a law firm to represent him.  They are afraid of retaliation from the FBI and DOJ.  Gangsters, murderers, and all manner of criminal can find attorneys but our weaponized justice system is now precluding a former president from obtaining legal counsel.  A Stasi-like time.  Maybe Old Liz is focused on that task?  No?  Just Trump.

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2022, 10:56:13 PM »
Liz has talked endlessly about Trump and the "big lie" but she learned the BIG TRUTH yesterday.  It's her constituents who get to decide who gets elected in a democracy.  Not the oligarchs or media. She failed to serve the interests of the people of Wyoming.  In fact, she ignored or even acted contrary to those interests like a jilted person who can't move on after a breakup.  A stalker obsession with Trump.  If only she had turned that energy toward solving any of the many problems under the Biden administration.  But no.  It was Trump, Trump, and more Trump.  So now she is finished politically.  Her fantasy about winning the presidency is almost cruel.  She fell for the fake media spin on Trump thinking she would be deemed the savior of democracy.   Get those resumes out to Halliburton Liz!  I bet they owe your family a favor or two.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2022, 10:56:13 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2022, 01:45:54 PM »
Please let Liz Cheney run for president!  She has been humiliated by the landslide loss in Wyoming. But that is not sufficient. The media fantasy that she is some type of martyr who will be vindicated on a larger stage needs to be tested.  Who exactly are her supporters?  Republicans?  Like those in Wyoming where she lost by nearly 40 points despite being a well-known and long-standing representative with ten times the money of her rival?  Nope.  Among Dems who hated her father and called him a war criminal and who have no agreement with her on any policy issue? Nope.  That leaves no one.  Literally no one.  She will be unlikely to receive a single percent of the vote in a republican primary.  What will the media say then?  That all republicans are evil?

Offline Jack Nessan

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Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2022, 02:00:19 PM »
Please let Liz Cheney run for president!  She has been humiliated by the landslide loss in Wyoming. But that is not sufficient. The media fantasy that she is some type of martyr who will be vindicated on a larger stage needs to be tested.  Who exactly are her supporters?  Republicans?  Like those in Wyoming where she lost by nearly 40 points despite being a well-known and long-standing representative with ten times the money of her rival?  Nope.  Among Dems who hated her father and called him a war criminal and who have no agreement with her on any policy issue? Nope.  That leaves no one.  Literally no one.  She will be unlikely to receive a single percent of the vote in a republican primary.  What will the media say then?  That all republicans are evil?

You are absolutely correct about her. She really was a good conservative voice from Wyoming and represented the state well until now. I am not sure what happened to her to spiral out of control like she has. Amazing how they pursue Trump but leave Biden and all his corrupt family alone.

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2022, 04:22:52 PM »
You are absolutely correct about her. She really was a good conservative voice from Wyoming and represented the state well until now. I am not sure what happened to her to spiral out of control like she has. Amazing how they pursue Trump but leave Biden and all his corrupt family alone.

Thanks Jack.  Fortunately, the voters always get the final say.  That is what the media and oligarchs like Cheney have forgotten or never wanted to acknowledge.  That is the primary reason that they always hated Trump.  He was an outsider.  The establishment had convinced themselves and most citizens that no one could break through the lock that they had over political power in America.  They felt as though a ruling cadre of oligarchs always made that decision.  Trump exposed their corruption, dishonesty, and incompetence.  Like drawing back the curtain on the Wizard of Oz.  He created a new modern precedent that someone other than a career politician can win the presidency.  They have spent six years and counting trying to put that genie back in the bottle.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2022, 04:22:52 PM »