I thought he went to Ft Worth schools.
John and Robert Oswald did attend a school in Dallas but not in the area of the Tippit murder. I must have gotten something wrong.
There are some writings that "connect" Lee Oswald to a school in Dallas. This by James Reston Jr:
"From there we proceeded to the neighborhood of W.H. Adamson High School.
(Oswald had dropped out of high school in the 10th grade to volunteer for the
Marine Corps.) As the crow flies, the school is about a mile from 1026 N. Beckley
Ave. Oswald had wandered there, for reasons no one can know."
And Jon Dietz:
"Oswald found himself walking in front of the W.H. Adamson High School. This
was the school Oswald had abandoned at age seventeen in order to join the
Marine Corps."
I must have read such a claim somewhere and fail to check it. My apologies.