Heroic seeing those brave agents risk their lives standing on the narrow running board so they could stay with the President. They sure were brave professionals dedicated to public service. It was above and beyond the call of duty for the SS and Dallas Police that day.
Heroic? It seemed like they really had no choice. They were following rather than leading anything.
My criticism lies in the sad fact that a dead president was given more protection than we was when he was alive.
call of duty was to protect the president.
When did the Dallas police go above and beyond that? They failed at every turn.
Reading the caption..How could anyone possibly tell that the guy behind the driver looks like he is making the sign of the cross with his finger?

I believe that White made up the stuff about the freight train. Just like Kenneth Croy, Harry Olsen and W R Westbrook made up their testimony.
All was not truthful in the Dallas Police Dept.