If he had no idea they were ever near the domino room and only heard them on the fifth floor, it would be incredibly stupid to claim that he saw them on the first floor near the time of the shooting, because they’d easily refute that.
Do you recognize the voice of any person whose name you do not know?
Only one of them claimed to hear that, and it was long after the fact. But hearing some mechanical noise is very different from discerning individual voices.
That’s not true either.
If he had no idea they were ever near the domino room and only heard them on the fifth floor, it would be incredibly stupid to claim that he saw them on the first floor near the time of the shooting, because they’d easily refute that.You missed the point. He hears the elevator moving and stopping before it gets to the sixth floor. Seconds later he hears Norman and Jarman just below him on the fifth floor. He deduces that they just took the elevator up to the fifth floor. And the elevators are within sight of the domino room door.
Do you recognize the voice of any person whose name you do not know?If I was recently employed at a facility with 70 employees, there would be many people there I didn’t know the names of. However, I believe that I could recognize voices of some of the ones I had had contact with and which I didn’t yet know their names and place them with the correct faces.
Only one of them claimed to hear that, and it was long after the fact. But hearing some mechanical noise is very different from discerning individual voices.If I remember correctly, the WC did a demonstration that showed they could be heard. And consider there were open windows on both floors (~10-feet apart in elevation) directly over/under each other. And the people concerned were right at the windows. Given the conditions, I think it would be difficult
not to hear Norman and Jarman.