I just stated facts. What are you taking issue with? That COVID originated in China? That a million Americans died from it? That it is unclear whether it started in a lab becaue the Chinese government has not cooperated? That balloons have been used to deliver bombs to the American mainland using WWII technology? These are all documented facts. Why are you so angry and take it personally when having a discussion? I realize that you are likely embarrassed to have your nonsense exposed but get a grip on your emotions.
I just stated facts. No you didn't. You clearly implied that China purposely released Covid on the world to kill Americans. Why else would you even bring it up in a post about a balloon? This comment of yours leaves no room for misunderstanding what you were saying.
No one said that COVID targeted only the US.
Who targeted Covid, Richard?
And balloons may have been a potential weapon carrier nearly a decade ago, but technology now is such that it is completely idiotic to even suggest that a balloon could deliver a nuclear or biological weapon.
Why are you so angry and take it personally when having a discussion?What makes you think I'm angry? That's just more paranoia from somebody who is completely incapable of having a normal discussion.
I realize that you are likely embarrassed to have your nonsense exposed but get a grip on your emotions.LOL
In desperate need of a distraction, are you?
Thanks for the laugh.