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Author Topic: Today is a significant anniversary in the history of democracy.  (Read 11727 times)

Offline Joe Elliott

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Today is a significant anniversary in the history of democracy.
« on: September 12, 2022, 02:53:56 AM »

Today is a significant anniversary in the history of democracy. The twenty first anniversary of September 11, 2001. I am referring, of course to United 93, where the passengers took a vote on, not if they were going to live or die but how they were going to die. And they decided well. Their vote may have saved thousands of lives, or perhaps the symbol of democracy, the Capitol. Those were honorable Americans.

Today, we have tens of millions of disloyal Americans. Americans who have betrayed democracy. Americans who see a shift in America’s demographics. They see themselves as losing permanent control. Unless they turn against democracy, somehow get Trump to win just one more time and Trump and his cronies can take permanent control of the government. That is what they want.

Of course, one thing they don’t think about is that if Americans turn over control of their destiny, not only will Americans as a whole lose control of the government, the MAGA people will lose control of the government. If Trump wins the 2024 election, sets up a permanent regime, and if the MAGA people feel twenty years down the road that they have made a mistake, guess what? It doesn’t matter. The Trump crowd, and those who inherit the regime won’t care. They will keep control. And the former MAGA people will have as little control as Americans in general. The MAGA people are not worthy of the heroes of United 93.

JFK Assassination Forum

Today is a significant anniversary in the history of democracy.
« on: September 12, 2022, 02:53:56 AM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Today is a significant anniversary in the history of democracy.
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2022, 01:21:52 PM »
Today is a significant anniversary in the history of democracy. The twenty first anniversary of September 11, 2001. I am referring, of course to United 93, where the passengers took a vote on, not if they were going to live or die but how they were going to die. And they decided well. Their vote may have saved thousands of lives, or perhaps the symbol of democracy, the Capitol. Those were honorable Americans.

Today, we have tens of millions of disloyal Americans. Americans who have betrayed democracy. Americans who see a shift in America’s demographics. They see themselves as losing permanent control. Unless they turn against democracy, somehow get Trump to win just one more time and Trump and his cronies can take permanent control of the government. That is what they want.

Of course, one thing they don’t think about is that if Americans turn over control of their destiny, not only will Americans as a whole lose control of the government, the MAGA people will lose control of the government. If Trump wins the 2024 election, sets up a permanent regime, and if the MAGA people feel twenty years down the road that they have made a mistake, guess what? It doesn’t matter. The Trump crowd, and those who inherit the regime won’t care. They will keep control. And the former MAGA people will have as little control as Americans in general. The MAGA people are not worthy of the heroes of United 93.

Yes, the weakness of the Dems on terrorism is a lesson to remember.  Bill Clinton allowed bin Laden to establish a terror network in Afghanistan due to his weakness.  And Clinton was a genius compared to the weak, old and impaired person in office now.  Biden has sent billions of dollars of sophisticated weapons to Ukraine with no idea who they going too.  A corrupt state.  There is an enormous risk that such weapons will be sold on the black market.  He left billions of dollars of weapons in Afghanistan after his disastrous withdrawal.  Millions of unknown people are flooding across the US border.   A dangerous situation.

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Today is a significant anniversary in the history of democracy.
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2022, 01:58:00 PM »
So it turns out that among the two million (!) and counting illegal aliens that have crossed the border on Old Joe's watch, that there are numerous individuals on the terrorist watch list.  And those are only the ones that the Border Patrol has had contact with.  For every illegal immigrant they encounter, several get past them.  So two million is only the known number of unknown individuals that have entered the country.  It is likely double that number.  These include not only individuals from South America but all over the world.  The only way the US government intervenes is if they end up in a rich, white liberal community like Martha's Vineyard where the National Guard is called to remove them from this phony "sanctuary" city.  The only illegal allowed there are the ones who cut the lawns.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Today is a significant anniversary in the history of democracy.
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2022, 01:58:00 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Today is a significant anniversary in the history of democracy.
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2022, 04:22:43 PM »
According to Old Joe's own government data, nearly 100 suspected terrorists have been apprehended after crossing the open border.  They are coming from all over the world.  Not just Mexico and Central America.  How many more have entered the country without being caught?  No one knows.  A very dangerous situation.

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: Today is a significant anniversary in the history of democracy.
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2022, 02:43:10 AM »
Yes, the weakness of the Dems on terrorism is a lesson to remember.  Bill Clinton allowed bin Laden to establish a terror network in Afghanistan due to his weakness.  And Clinton was a genius compared to the weak, old and impaired person in office now.  Biden has sent billions of dollars of sophisticated weapons to Ukraine with no idea who they going too.  A corrupt state.  There is an enormous risk that such weapons will be sold on the black market.  He left billions of dollars of weapons in Afghanistan after his disastrous withdrawal.  Millions of unknown people are flooding across the US border.   A dangerous situation.

The victories on the battlefield by Ukraine against the much larger Russian army show that the vast majority of the weapons sent to Ukraine are being put to good use. I don't know what stronger proof we can demand of Ukraine.

I know what an army riddled with corruption looks like. It looks like the Afghanistan army that collapsed in 2021 as soon as we left. It is obvious that staying there was a waste of resources and American lives. Given the attitude of too many Afghan people, Afghanistan was doomed. The Russian army shows strong signs of internal corruption. But the Ukraine army does not look like this. With minimum Western support, much less than the billions we lavished on Afghanistan, Ukraine made a brave stand in the late winter of 2022.

I suspect that some people would prefer to see an Authoritarian Russia overrun a democratic Ukraine. And wouldn't mind seeing this continue in the Baltic States, Poland and further west. As it will if Ukraine cannot make a stand. Such people will try to convince us that helping Ukraine is a waste. That Ukraine is unworthy of our support. And will use bogus arguments to push this narrative. I do not believe these arguments.

Yes, the people of Afghanistan were not too interested in keeping democracy. But the people of Ukraine seem to be quite different. Yes, I understand that Ukraine has powerful people inside Ukraine who would like to hold off Russia, and then establish themselves as the Authoritarian controllers of its people. Sort of like a mirror image of Putin's Russia. Ukraine has two wars to win. But let's first help them win the war from without and trust that the valor of the Ukrainian people will help them win the war from within later on, if they can reach that stage, which I think they can and will. Glory to Ukraine, the true home of the bravest.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2022, 03:11:55 AM by Joe Elliott »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Today is a significant anniversary in the history of democracy.
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2022, 02:43:10 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Today is a significant anniversary in the history of democracy.
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2022, 03:45:06 AM »
Under failed Republican leadership we had the two worst attacks on American soil in history.

9/11, because Bush ignored extreme warnings from intelligence.

January 6th, because an illegitimate criminal "president" staged a violent coup with his thug supporters and the Republican party to illegally keep him in power to steal an election from the American people.

Right wing propagandists push debunked propaganda in order to hide from those facts. It's pathetic!

Republicans had 4 years to do something about immigration from Jan 2017 - Jan 2021 and they did nothing. They made the situation even worse. 

Criminal Donald made immigration his #1 issue claiming he would "end illegal immigration". Why didn't he do what he said he would do?

Republicans had control of Congress for 2 years and instead of doing something about immigration they passed a massive tax cut equaling trillions of dollars in tax cuts for billionaires and corporations instead.

Criminal Donald failed miserably to hold Mexico accountable for their immigration problem. He left President Biden a total disaster to deal with on the southern border and he failed to get Mexico to pay for border security which he bragged he would do at every hate rally he performed at. 

President Biden got Mexico to pay for $1.5 Billion in border security at his first meeting with Mexico's leaders which is why his approval ratings keep climbing.           

Criminal Donald caused the border crisis with his failed policies and right wingers falsely attack President Biden for their disaster that they caused and neglected. Now they falsely attack President Biden as he is trying to clean up another disaster Criminal Donald left him.

The facts do not lie.

Yes, There’s a Crisis on the Border. And It’s Trump’s Fault.
Instead of wasting his time on a wall, the president should fix the asylum system.
April 05, 2019

Mexico agrees to provide $1.5 billion to help U.S. manage migrants on southern border
The agreement was discussed Tuesday when Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador met with President Joe Biden at the White House.
July 12, 2022   

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Today is a significant anniversary in the history of democracy.
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2022, 04:04:05 AM »
The Republican Party Is the Anti-Democracy Party

You can't argue with that headline.

The Republican party is comprised of fascists who worship a career criminal as their cult leader.

The Republican party illegally tried to overturn the results of a free and fair election because they were angry their cult leader lost in a blowout.   

The Republican party stays silent as neo Nazi groups march in American cities pushing MAGA hate.

MAGA Republicans supports Putin over Ukraine and President Biden.

The Republican party invited fascist Viktor Orban the leader of Hungary to speak at their conventions.

The Republican party have pushed election fraud lies and conspiracies to undermine voting in a democracy.

The Republican party implemented voter restriction laws trying to suppress the vote.

The Republican party are forcing women to give birth even if it kills them.

The Republican party is the anti democracy party which supports fascism.         

All the facts and their behavior has proven it.

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Today is a significant anniversary in the history of democracy.
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2022, 06:53:56 AM »
I mentioned above, that Republicans had the opportunity to do something about immigration for 4 years from January 2017 - 2021 and yet they did absolutely nothing as the problem still exists.

Criminal Donald said he would "end illegal immigration". So why didn't he? Why didn't the Republicans who controlled Congress?   

Republicans failed to do their job but pathetically blame Biden for their own mess they caused.     

Republicans left an absolute disaster for President Biden to deal with on the southern border. Biden hasn't even been in office for 2 years and the radical right is attacking him for not cleaning up their mess fast enough. That is totally pathetic.

Afghanistan is another Trump disaster that he handed Biden to deal with.     

Criminal Donald negotiated a disastrous deal with the Taliban because he was desperate to get a foreign policy deal done before the election.

Criminal Donald ordered the release of 5,000 Taliban terrorists and lifted sanctions on Taliban leaders. He also took troops out of Afghanistan making the entire mission to leave Afghanistan more difficult and dangerous for Biden to deal with. Mitch McConnell criticized this horrible withdrawal. Criminal Donald negotiated the disastrous time table for the withdrawal but right wingers refuse to blame the orange idiot who made the deal. They want to blame the guy who wasn't in office instead. Like I said, that is pathetic.     

And that is Biden's fault for what Criminal Donald negotiated and removing our troops to make the mission less secure?

The radical right will protect their orange cult leader at any cost. So, they pathetically blame others instead.

President Biden was not in office in 2020 when Donald Trump negotiated the disastrous Afghanistan deal so he had no control of what was negotiated and had to abide by the deal when he took over.

Yes, 13 U.S. servicemen were killed but that would have happened no matter who was president since Criminal released 5000 Taliban terrorists who wanted to attack us when we were leaving the country and less troop presence made the mission less safe. But somehow that's all Biden's fault according to the radical right.

These are the same right wingers who cheer on Putin to win his illegal war and call our ally Ukraine "corrupt" pushing more of Putin's Russian propaganda.         

The radical right can push all the phony propaganda they want, but the facts and the evidence will always debunk their nonsense.

As you can see below, it was Criminal Donald who negotiated Afghanistan and Time magazine in 2020 predicted his deal would be a total disaster but pathetically the radical right covers up for Donnie.

U.S. to free 5,000 Taliban prisoners, lift sanctions on leaders in Afghan peace deal
Sunday, March 1, 2020

President Trump's Disgraceful Peace Deal with the Taliban
March 3, 2020

Trump 'to order further troop withdrawal' from Afghanistan and Iraq
November 16, 2020

Those in Afghanistan will be cut from about 5,000 down to 2,500 by mid-January, officials said. In Iraq they will be reduced from 3,000 to 2,500.

President Trump has previously said he wants "all" troops home by Christmas.

He is refusing to concede the 3 November election to Joe Biden.

The withdrawal should be finished by 15 January, US media reported, just days before Mr Biden's inauguration as president.

But Mr Trump's reported plan is facing rare criticism from a fellow Republican - Senate leader Mitch McConnell, who warned militants would "love" the idea.

Speaking on the floor of the upper chamber on Monday, the Kentucky senator said: "We're playing a limited - limited - but important role in defending American national security and American interests against terrorists who would like nothing more than for the most powerful force for good in the world to simply pick up our ball and go home.

"They would love that."

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Today is a significant anniversary in the history of democracy.
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2022, 06:53:56 AM »