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Author Topic: The Remains of Bonnie Ray  (Read 17371 times)

Online Richard Smith

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Re: The Remains of Bonnie Ray
« Reply #16 on: September 23, 2022, 01:54:16 PM »
You're not sure why it matters that Bonnie Ray Williams had his lunch sitting in the Sniper's Nest while a man with a rifle was stood at the other end of the 6th floor? You're not sure why that matters?

We know it wasn't Oswald as four eye-witness reported that the assassin was wearing clothes Oswald wasn't wearing that day and didn't own.
We know it wasn't Oswald as he never had the distinctive bald spot Amos Euins was adamant about.
Not to mention the report of Oswald's observation of Norman and Jarman as they made their way to the west elevator after entering the rear door of the TSBD building.
But someone was definitely pointing a rifle out of the SN window and they fired the rifle from the Sniper's Nest, vacated by BRW minutes before.

Does it seem likely that a young black man, in Dallas [the City of Hate], in the '60's, would lie to the police when questioned about the assassination of the President? Because that's exactly what he did.
And when he did admit to being on the 6th floor he continually lied about how long he was up there.
And he was still lying during his WC testimony when he said he had his lunch in the place the Crime Lab photographed his lunch remains. We know this because his lunch remains were found on top of the SN.
Williams consistently makes every effort to distance himself from the SN.
If he saw anyone on the 6th floor before coming down to the 5th floor to join Norman and Jarman, it wasn't Oswald, it was someone still very much alive at the time of his WC testimony. Otherwise there would be no need to continue lying.

You think BRW ate his lunch in the SN?  BRW himself confirmed this was not the case.  Why would he climb through the boxes to eat his lunch in that confined space when there was ample space elsewhere?  You are simply taking imprecise and subjective witness descriptions of a floor cluttered with boxes and grafting onto them your desired narrative.  And you really think your fantasy assassin/conspirators would allow BRW to leave the floor after seeing them just before the assassination?  Possibly raising the alarm or later implicating them.  And BRW goes down to the window directly below where all this is going on and doesn't say a word to his pals about what has just happened.  Then the fantasy conspirators trust him to remain forever silent.  That is tin foil hat territory.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Remains of Bonnie Ray
« Reply #16 on: September 23, 2022, 01:54:16 PM »

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: The Remains of Bonnie Ray
« Reply #17 on: September 23, 2022, 01:58:43 PM »
LOL.  So you require a time machine.  There is no photo of John Wilkes Booth point the gun at Lincoln.  I guess he is innocent along with every criminal who has commited a crime without being photographed in the act.  You should be embarrassed to post this nonsense.

So you require a time machine.

No, Walt simply asked you to produce a photo to support your pathetic claim and once again you have failed.
The one who should be embarrassed is the one who is making claims that he can not back up with evidence .... and that would be you!

Online Richard Smith

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Re: The Remains of Bonnie Ray
« Reply #18 on: September 23, 2022, 02:22:32 PM »
So you require a time machine.

No, Walt simply asked you to produce a photo to support your pathetic claim and once again you have failed.
The one who should be embarrassed is the one who is making claims that he can not back up with evidence .... and that would be you!

No, he didn't.  As usual, you don't understand.  Walt suggests that a photo of the event is the only way to prove that a rifle was pointed out the window.  Can you understand the difference?  He rejected the testimony of multiple witnesses who saw the rifle and the discovery of the rifle itself with fired bullet casings by that window.  Do you have a photo of John Wilkes Booth pointing a gun at Lincoln?  Does the lack of such a photo raise doubt as to his guilt and negate the other evidence that links him to the crime?  Does there have to be a film or photo of a criminal committing the act to prove it?  Even you can't be that idiotic. 

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Re: The Remains of Bonnie Ray
« Reply #18 on: September 23, 2022, 02:22:32 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: The Remains of Bonnie Ray
« Reply #19 on: September 23, 2022, 02:25:05 PM »
Some facts worth injecting into this discussion:

1. Mr. Bonnie Ray Williams does not match the description of the 'elderly Negro' seen by Mr. Arnold Rowland at the SN window

2. Mr. Tom Alyea said that the lunch sack was found on the fifth floor and brought up to the sixth floor

3. There is no compelling evidence tying the chicken lunch remains (or the Dr. Pepper bottle) to Mr. Williams

4. There is no compelling evidence that the chicken lunch remains (or the Dr. Pepper) were even consumed on 11/22

5. Mr. Rowland recalled that, at or about the time he noticed the 'elderly Negro' in the SN window and the man with the weapon at the sixth-floor southwest window, he noticed either two or three people in the pair of windows directly below the SN window: either two-black-people-and-one-white-man, or just two black people. Messrs. Norman & Jarman were still down on the street ca. 12:15, so Mr. Rowland's recollection puts two black people other than them (and possibly a white man too) on the fifth floor some 15 minutes prior to the assassination


2. Mr. Tom Alyea said that the lunch sack was found on the fifth floor and brought up to the sixth floor

This doesn't make sense.... 

A)   The search was concentrated on the 6th floor so why was Alyea on the 5th floor ?  He was with the searchteam looking for news to report....  And why in the world would the searchers carry chicken bones from the 5th to the 6th?   The vast majority of those who noticed the chicken bones, noticed them because those bones were in the place where the shells were found and thus it appeared  as though the assassin had callously  sat there eating chicken, while awaiting the parade.   As a matter f fact the reporters made a big deal out of the assassin calmly sitting there eating while waiting to murder the President.  And Curry told reporters how officer Baker had encountered Leeeee Harrrrrrrvey OSSSSSSwald ( HISSSS ) calmly drinking a coke just minutes after he had murdered the President.   It was all BS but it got peoples attention, and started the hate Oswald movement that has never abated.... 

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: The Remains of Bonnie Ray
« Reply #20 on: September 23, 2022, 02:25:32 PM »
LATER EDIT: It must also be noted that Rowland described features that accurately describe BRW.


A man is recalled as wearing an open-necked white or off-white tshirt, and you say 'This on its own rules out Oswald'.

A man is recalled as wearing a very bright plaid shirt, and you say 'Yep, it's definitely this guy':

As for your other arguments, Mr. O'Meara, no disrespect but they are just a medley of 'I choose to focus only on those of various BRW's statements that I like' and Organ-like 'No matter what the witness got wrong----all that SUN! all that DISTANCE!!----he still saw the guy I want him to have seen'.

And you have ignored Mr. Rowland's recollection of two black people in the fifth-floor pair of windows directly underneath the SN at or around the same time.

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Re: The Remains of Bonnie Ray
« Reply #20 on: September 23, 2022, 02:25:32 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: The Remains of Bonnie Ray
« Reply #21 on: September 23, 2022, 02:54:49 PM »
No, he didn't.  As usual, you don't understand.  Walt suggests that a photo of the event is the only way to prove that a rifle was pointed out the window.  Can you understand the difference?

You foolishly claimed that we know this with “absolute certainty”. Can you understand the difference?

Online Richard Smith

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Re: The Remains of Bonnie Ray
« Reply #22 on: September 23, 2022, 02:58:53 PM »
And still no answer or even hypothesis as to why anyone would move any boxes.  The conspirators were apparently like the Three Stooges.  Moe stuck a "pipe-like" object out the window, Curly yelled "bang", and then Larry moved some boxes around before making their escape (but not down the stairs since Martin suggests that was impossible).  Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.  It's all coming together for the contrarians.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2022, 03:01:25 PM by Richard Smith »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: The Remains of Bonnie Ray
« Reply #23 on: September 23, 2022, 03:18:24 PM »
Brennan saw the shooter in the 6th floor window.  BRW and the others on the 5th floor heard the shots just about their heads.  Multiple witness describe seeing the rifle pointing out that window at the moment shots were fired.  Fired rifle bullet casings were found by that window and a rifle was found nearby.  But we need a "photograph" to prove this!

Mr. JACKSON - Right here approximately. And as we heard the first shot, I believe it was Tom Dillard from the Dallas News who made some remark as to that sounding like a firecracker, and it could have been somebody else who said that. But someone else did speak up and make that comment and before he actually the sentence we heard the other two shots. Then we realized or we thought it was gunfire, and then we could not at that point see the President's car. We were still moving slowly, and after the third shot the second two shots seemed much closer together than the first shot, than they were to the first shot. Then after the last shot, I guess all of us were just looking all around and I just looked straight up ahead of me which would have been looking at the School Book Depository and I noticed two Negro men in a window straining to see directly above them, and my eyes followed right on up to the window above them and I saw the rifle, or what looked like a rifle approximately half of weapon,

Mr. Couch.
Jackson, who was, as I recall, on my right, yelled something like, "Look up in the window! There's the rifle!"
And I remember glancing up to a window on the far right, which at the time impressed me as the sixth or seventh floor, and seeing about a foot of a rifle being---the barrel brought into the window. I saw no one in that window---just a quick l-second glance at the barrel.

Mr. Crawford: 

As the report from the third shot sounded, I looked
up. I had previously looked around to see if there was somebody shooting fire
crackers to see if I could see a puff of smoke, and after I decided it wasn’t a
backfire from an automobile and as the third report was sounded, I looked up
and from the far east corner of the sixth floor I saw a movement in the only
window that was open on that floor. It was an indistinct movement. It was
just barely a glimpse.

Mr. BALL. Which window?
Mr. CRAWFORD. That n-ould be the far east window---
Mr. BALL. On the---
Mr. CRAWFORD. On the sixth floor of the Tesas School Book Deositorv. I
turned to Miss Mitchell and made the statement that if those were shots they
came from that window
. That was based mainly on the fact of the quick movement observed in the window right at the conclusion of the report.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Remains of Bonnie Ray
« Reply #23 on: September 23, 2022, 03:18:24 PM »